The drilling of temporary geological exploratory core holes is authorized without the issuance of a permit by the City Council upon the issuance of a permit by the Planning Commission therefor.
   (A)   The procedure specified in Title 23 of this code for the granting of variances shall control the granting of all such permits for such temporary geological exploratory core hole testing.
   (B)   Each application therefor shall be in the form prescribed in this title for an application for the drilling of an oil well, with such modifications as are provided for herein. Such application shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied by the permit fee required by § 21.08.090 of this title. No additional fee shall be required under the provisions of Title 23 of this code, however. A separate applica-tion therefor shall be filed for each temporary geological exploratory core hole. Such applications need not designate nor make any reference to proposed exploratory areas.
   (C)   Unless clearly inapplicable or unless specifically provided herein to the contrary, all provisions of this title applicable to oil wells shall also apply to temporary geological exploratory core holes. The area leasing and pooling requirements provided in this title shall not apply to the drilling of temporary geological exploratory core holes however.
   (D)   All such temporary geological core holes shall be abandoned not later than 60 days from the time of commencement of actual drilling operations. Every temporary geological exploratory core hole shall be abandoned in a manner approved by the city. The method of abandonment shall be based upon a consideration of all safety factors, including, but not limited to the depth of the hole, the diameter of the hole the location of the hole and the type of soil in which the hole is drilled.
('86 Code, § 21.16.010) (Ord. 3115, passed - - )