Any permit issued by the City Council pursuant to the provisions hereof may be revoked by the City Council after not less than ten days' notice to the permittee and following a hearing and finding of the existence or any one or more of the matters set forth below. Notice of the revocation of the permit shall be mailed to the permittee within five days of its revocation at his or its address set forth in the application for such permit. Revocation of a permit may be made if any of the following exist:
   (A)   The permittee has failed or refused to comply with and abide by the conditions of the permit;
   (B)   The permittee has failed and refused to comply with or abide by or has violated any of the provisions of this title or any ordinance of the city, or the charter of the city, or any law, rule or regulation of the state regulating the drilling and production of oil and gas wells by reason of or in connection with his operations under the permit.
   (C)   The permittee has made any willful mis-representations of fact in his or its application for such permit or any report or record required by this title to be filed or furnished by the permittee.
('86 Code, § 21.08.150) (Ord. 3115, passed - - )