All applicants for covered projects who select to self-haul any and all construction and demolition waste shall complete and submit a waste management plan as part of the application packet for a permit issued for a covered project. The waste management plan shall be in compliance with the Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling requirements of the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations.
   The completed Waste Management Plan must be signed by the applicant and shall indicate all of the following:
      (1)   The site address;
      (2)   The names, addresses, and phone numbers of the property owner and the general contractor;
      (3)   The existing square footage, the proposed square footage, the percentage of increase in project size, or the square footage of the structure to be demolished;
      (4)   The estimated volume or weight of construction and demolition debris, by material type, to be generated on the project site;
      (5)   The estimated volume or weight of construction and demolition debris, by material type, to be diverted to recycling, reuse or salvage;
      (6)   The vendor or facility that the applicant proposes to use to collect or receive that material;
      (7)   The estimated volume or weight of the construction and demolition materials that will be landfilled;
      (8)   Certification that the minimum diversion requirement will be met;
      (9)   Such other data and information as may be required by the Building Official;
      (10)   Other information applicant believes is relevant to determining its efforts to comply with this division.
(Ord. 4798, passed 1-24-22)