For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
APPLICANT means any individual, firm, limited liability company, association, partnership, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, or any other entity whatsoever who applies to the city for any permit, as defined in this chapter, and who is, therefore, responsible for meeting the requirements of this chapter.
COMPLETION means the earliest of the following dates: the date a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued by the city for a project, the date a certificate of occupancy is issued by the city for a project, the date the final city inspection approving the project is completed, or the date on which a permit for the project expired or that such a permit is withdrawn or cancelled. For demolition only projects, COMPLETION means the date that is 30 days after the permit was issued.
CONSTRUCTION means the building or enlargement of any structure, or any portion thereof, and includes, without limitation, alterations or improvements to an existing structure.
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE (C&D) means the excess or discarded materials, packaging, rubble, and organic waste resulting from construction, deconstruction, demolition, renovation, or similar operations on pavements, houses, commercial buildings and other structures.
CONVERSION RATE means the rate set forth in the standardized conversion rate table for use in estimating the volume or weight of construction and
demolition debris, established by the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations.
COVERED PROJECT means any project meeting the thresholds established by the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations.
DECONSTRUCT and DECONSTRUCTION mean the careful and systematic dismantling of a structure in order to salvage materials for diversion.
DEMOLITION means the razing, tearing down or wrecking of any structure, wall, fence or paving, whether in whole or in part, whether interior or exterior.
DIRECTOR means the Director of the City of Alhambra Community Development Department, or his/her designee, who is hereby designated to issue a compliance order or an administrative citation to enforce this chapter pursuant to Chapter 1.13, respectively, of this code.
DIVERSION REQUIREMENT means the diversion rate requirements of the total construction and demolition waste generated by a project pursuant to the Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling requirements of the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations.
DIVERT and DIVERSION means the recycling or reuse of construction and demolition waste to avoid disposal in a landfill.
PAVING means driveways, walkways, parking areas, streets and sidewalks.
PERFORMANCE SECURITY means cash, money order, certified or cashiers' check, credit card charge, performance bond, surety bond, letters of credit, or certificates of deposit, in a form acceptable to the Director of the City of Alhambra Finance Director.
PERMIT means any building or demolition permit.
PROJECT means any proposal for new or changed use, or for new construction, alteration or enlargement of any structure, that requires a permit from the City of Alhambra.
RECYCLING or REUSE means the process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting construction and demolition waste that would otherwise be disposed of in a landfill, for use as raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet industry standards.
SELF HAULING or SELF HAUL means and refers to the hauling of green waste and solid waste (including recyclable materials and C&D materials) to a landfill, recycling facility, permitted solid waste facility or for reuse provided such hauling is undertaken through the use of the self- hauler's own equipment and employees. SELF-HAULING does not include the contracting or subcontracting of hauling services with any third party, including, but not limited to, any solid waste enterprise that is not franchised to perform any variety of solid waste handling services within the City of Alhambra.
STRUCTURE means anything constructed or erected that requires a location in the ground, or as defined by the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations, but not including a fence or a wall used as a fence, or driveways or walkways.
WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN means an application packet approved by the Director of the City of Alhambra Community Development Department, or his/her designee, for the purpose of reviewing project compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE OFFICIAL means the Director of the City of Alhambra Community Development Department, or his/her designee.
(Ord. 4798, passed 1-24-22)