After a public hearing requested by an applicant, permittee or the City Engineer, as provided for in the preceding section, the City Council may:
   (A)   Confirm the action of the City Engineer in denying a permit, or issuance of a permit subject to special conditions and limitations.
   (B)   Instruct the City Engineer to issue a permit without conditions or limitations or with such special conditions and limitations as the City Council may designate.
   (C)   Continue suspension of an existing permit invoked by the City Engineer pending correction of objectionable conditions by the permittee.
   (D)   Remove the suspension of an existing permit invoked by the City Engineer pending correction of objectionable conditions by the permittee.
   (E)   Deny that objectionable conditions exist and reinstate an existing permit.
   (F)   Revoke an existing permit on any of the following grounds:
      (1)   Failure of the permittee to correct conditions as required by the City Engineer.
      (2)   Conditions which would justify the denial of a permit.
      (3)   Fraud or deceit was employed in the obtaining of a permit.
      (4)   Any other violation of this chapter.
('86 Code, § 17.12.250) (Ord. 2503, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3026, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 17.12.010