(A)   Existing facilities.
      (1)   Alternate materials and methods may be approved in response to practical difficulties and specifically for facilities for which a building permit was issued prior to the effective date of the Ordinance, and not subject to subsection (A)(2). subsection (A)(3) or subsection (B) of this section. The City is authorized to modify any of the provisions of these rules and regulations upon application in writing by the owner, a lessee, or a duly authorized representative where there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, provided that the purpose of these rules and regulations, as set forth in Section (Purpose), shall be complied with, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification and the decision of the City shall be entered upon the records of the facility and a signed copy shall be furnished to the applicant.
      (2)   The owner of every commercial or industrial generator of grease, including FSEs, serviced by a sewer collection line found to have grease blockage, or accelerated line maintenance resulting from grease disposal, shall be in full compliance with the provisions of these rules and regulations.
      (3)   The owner of every commercial or industrial generator of grease, including FSEs, found to have caused or contributed to a SSO, shall be in full compliance with the provisions of these rules and regulations.
   (B)   Remodeled and newly construction facilities.
      (1)   Dischargers of food service waste water from newly constructed, remodeled, or converted commercial and industrial facilities shall be in full compliance with the provisions of this Chapter at the time of commencement of discharge. These requirements shall apply to remodeled or converted facilities to the extent that the portion of the facility being remodeled or converted is related to the subject requirement.
      (2)   Buildings constructed to house FSEs shall include a covered area for all waste and recycling collection receptacles such as, but not limited to, garbage, recycle, food scrap, compost, and tallow bins. The areas shall be designated to prevent water run-on to the area and runoff from the area. Drains that are installed within the enclosure for recycle and waste bins, dumpsters, and tallow bins serving food service facilities are optional. Any such drain installed shall be connected to the GRD. If tallow is to be stored outside, then an adequately sized, segregated space for a tallow bin shall be included in the covered area.
(Ord. 4620, passed 10-28-13)