Where a discharger is required to install and maintain a FOG disposal system pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter and/or is found to be a potential uncontrolled source of FOG, the director or his/her representative may require that the discharger develop and implement a FOG control program. Where required, such a program is subject to the approval of the director or his/her representative. Such a program may be required to include, but is not limited to the following provisions:
   (A)   A plan and schedule for the education and training of personnel or employees that may dispose of FOG containing effluent to the sanitary sewer system.
   (B)   The development of source control measures to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sanitary sewer system and maximize the efficiency of any required FOG disposal system and/or GRD.
   (C)   A plan and schedule for the removal and legal disposal of FOG removed from effluent by a FOG disposal system and/or GRD. When so required by the Department of Public Works Utilities Division, such a plan and schedule may include the maintenance of a log record detailing cleaning, repair, inspection, accidental spill, and disposal events in connection with the system or device. The department staff shall have access to any required log during reasonable business hours and may specify a time period during which such a log is maintained.
   (D)   A description of facilities used to store removed FOG prior to disposal and measures taken to prevent accidental and/or uncontrolled discharge of FOG to the sanitary sewer system, sidewalks, parking lots, streets, gutters, storm drains, or other private or public property.
   (E)   A description of equipment and supplies, including the location of such materials, available for the cleanup of accidental and/or uncontrolled spills of FOG or similar materials.
   (F)   The posting in a conspicuous place of notification requirements to the City or other specified entity in the event of any accidental and/or uncontrolled spill of FOG or similar materials that leave or may be carried off the discharger’s premises.
(Ord. 4620, passed 10-28-13)