(A) Each person applying to the city for a grading or building permit for projects for which compliance with regulations governing State Construction Activity Storm Water Permits (“GCASPs”) is required, must submit satisfactory proof to the city (1) that a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the GCASP has been filed, and (2) that a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared, before the city shall issue any grading or building permit on the construction project. A copy of the NOI and the SWPPP shall be maintained on-site during grading and construction and shall be made available for inspection, review and copying upon the request of any city inspector.
(B) It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person or entity required under federal or state law to comply with the requirements for a State Construction Activity Storm Water Permit (GCASP) for construction activity in the city to conduct, authorize or permit construction activities in the city at any facility which discharges to the city’s MS4 without complying with all applicable requirements for a GCASP.
(C) Each person applying for a grading or building permit for any project for which compliance with regulations governing State Construction Activity Storm Water Permits is not required, shall submit to the city for information, and shall implement a grading and construction activity runoff control program adequate to accomplish all of the following:
(1) Retain on-site the sediments generated on or brought to the project site, using treatment control or structural BMPs;
(2) Retain construction-related materials and wastes, spills and residues at the project site and prevent discharges to streets, drainage facilities, the MS4, receiving waters or adjacent properties;
(3) Contain non-storm water runoff from equipment and vehicle washing at the project site; and,
(4) Control erosion from slopes and channels through use of effective BMPs, such as limitation of grading during the wet season, inspection of graded areas during rain events; planting and maintenance of vegetation on slopes, if any, and covering any slopes susceptible to erosion.
(D) No person generating or producing pavement saw cutting wastes in any street, curb or sidewalk in the city shall fail to recover and properly dispose of such saw cutting wastes, and in no case shall such wastes be permitted or suffered to enter any part of the MS4, including, but not limited to any storm drain.
(E) No person performing street and road maintenance in any street in the city shall fail to manage street and road maintenance materials in a manner which prevents such materials from being discharged to the MS4.
(F) No person shall wash any concrete truck or any part of any concrete truck, including, but not limited to any chute, pump or tools, in any place in the city except an area designated for that purpose by the city, if the city has designated such a place. No person shall permit or suffer any concrete rinseate or washwater from any truck, pump, tool or equipment to enter any drain, open ditch, street or road or any catch basin or any other part of the MS4.
(Ord. 4445, passed 2-10-03; Am. Ord. 4446, passed 2-24-03; Am. Ord. 4646, passed 12-9-13; Am. Ord. 4648, passed 12-9-13)