Any consumer may demand that the meter through which water is being furnished be examined and tested by the city for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is registering correctly the amount of water which is being delivered through it. Such demand shall be made in writing to the Water Depart-ment and shall be accompanied by a minimum deposit of $5. Upon receipt of such demand, it shall be the duty of the Water Department to cause the meter to be examined and tested for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is registering correctly the water being delivered through it. If on such examination and test the meter shall be found to register over 3% more water than actually passes through it, another meter will be substituted therefor, and the deposit shall be repaid to the person making the application, and the water bill for the current period adjusted in such a manner as the Water Super-intendent may deem fair and just. If the meter be found to register not over 3% fast, the deposit shall be forfeited to the city and the water bills paid as rendered.
('86 Code, § 15.12.020) (Ord. 2028, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3628, passed - - )