(A)   Reasons. When practical difficulties, unreasonable hardships or results inconsistent with the general purposes of this chapter occur by reason of the strict interpretation and application of any of the provisions of this chapter, any property owner affected thereby may file an application for relief from the provisions of those sections. Also, an owner or builder dissatisfied with any determination of the Director of Public Works as to whether the existing improvements are adequate, may file an application to have the determination reviewed by the City Council.
   (B)   Filing application. Each such application for relief shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk within ten days from the date of written notification to the property owner by the city of any such deter-mination.
   (C)   Application form and contents. Each such application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, description of the property to which the application applies, a statement of the exact nature of the modification or relief requested and the reasons therefor.
   (D)   Determination and order. Upon finding that the existing improvements are adequate, or that good cause has been shown and that the strict enforcement of this code would not be consistent with the general purposes of the sections and that there are practical difficulties or unreasonable hardships which would result from the enforcement of the provisions the City Council, under such conditions as it deems necessary to assure that the spirit and purpose of these sections will be observed may grant in each case such relief from the provisions of such sections as in the determination of the City Council will secure the maximum compliance with the provisions of the Sections without injustice to the applicant.
('86 Code, § 13.44.070) (Ord. 3263, passed 8-17-65)