§ 13.40.010 BLOCK DEFINED.
   The term BLOCK, for the purposes of and within the meaning of this chapter, is hereby defined to be that portion of any street lying between two cross streets, or between an abutting street and a cross street, or between two abutting streets. In case of an abutting street, the produced centerline of any such abutting street shall be the dividing line between such block; provided, that all blocks of east and west streets exceeding 350 feet in length, shall be divided into and considered as one block for each 350 feet thereof, and for each fraction thereof remaining after deducting all such multiples of 350 feet; provided, that all blocks of north and south streets exceeding 425 feet in length, shall be divided into and considered as one block for each 425 feet thereof, and for each fraction thereof remaining after deducting all such multiples of 425 feet.
('86 Code, § 13.40.010) (Ord. 53, passed - - )