(A)   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all newsracks, whether installed and maintained prior to or after the effective date of any of the provisions herein. Those newsracks installed prior to the effective date of any provision enacted hereunder shall be brought into compliance with the provisions within 90 days of the effective date thereof.
   (B)   Any newsracks not brought into compliance with the aforesaid time period shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter, subject to the notice and hearing provisions provided herein.
   (C)   The Director of Public Works shall notify all publications or distributors who, at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, have newsracks located within the city, of the enactment of this ordinance by mailing a copy thereof to each such distributor or publication.
('86 Code, § 13.34.120) (Ord. 3918, passed - - )