Each application for an all-night parking permit shall be filed with the Finance Department via a webpage for virtual permits, and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in this chapter. A virtual permit allows the holder to park according to the type of permit purchased without displaying a physical sticker. A virtual permit relies on referencing the vehicle’s license plate and/or temporary license plate with the city’s parking permit database to identify any valid parking permits for that vehicle.
   (A)   Each such application shall set forth the name and Alhambra address of the applicant; the license plate number of the vehicle; the make, model and type of vehicle; and such other information as the Police and/or Finance Department may require.
(‘86 Code, § 11.36.020) (Ord. 2822, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3539, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3980, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4805, passed 8-22-22; Am. Ord. 4828, passed 2-26-24)