(A)   It is unlawful for any person having charge, custody or control of any cart, wagon or other vehicle to allow the vehicle to remain within the limits of any one block for the purpose of vending at retail from the vehicle, for a period longer than ten minutes in any one day, except while vending to the residents of the block.
   (B)   It is unlawful for any person in charge of any vehicle used for peddling or vending articles of merchandise of any class to allow the vehicle to stand or remain stationary on any of the following streets:
Streets Where Peddlers' Vehicles Are Prohibited
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Streets Where Peddlers' Vehicles Are Prohibited
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Adams Avenue
Between Almansor and Valencia Streets
- -
Alhambra Road
Between Palm and Raymond Avenues
- -
Alhambra Road
Between Garfield Avenue and Second Street
- -
Almansor Street
Between Los Higos Street and Adams Avenue
- -
Almansor Street
Between Ramona Road and Hellman Avenue
- -
Almansor Street
Between Los Higos and Corto Streets
- -
From 100 feet south of Commonwealth Avenue to 100 feet north of Mission Road
- -
- -
Benito Avenue
Between 1600 South and Glendon Way
- -
Chapel Avenue
Between Grand Avenue and 100 feet south of the intersection of Elgin Street
- -
Commonwealth Avenue
Between Orange Grove and Meridian Avenue
- -
Elm Street
Between Ross and Hellman Avenues
- -
Fifth Street
Between the first alley south of Valley Boulevard and Norwood Place
- -
Fremont Avenue
Between Hellman and Ross Avenues
- -
Garfield Avenue
Between McLean Street and Alhambra Road
- -
Glendon Way
Between Benito and Marguerita Avenues
- -
Granada Avenue
Between 100 South Granada Avenue and El Molino Street
- -
Grand Avenue
Between Raymond and Marengo Avenues
- -
Hellman Avenue
Between Almansor Street and east city limits
- -
Hellman Avenue
Between Palm and Raymond Avenues
- -
Hellman Avenue
Between Elm Street and Fremont Avenue
- -
Los Higos Street
From Almansor Street east to dead end
- -
Marengo Avenue
Between Grand Avenue and Cedar Street
- -
Marengo Avenue
Between Main and Acacia Streets
- -
Marguerita Avenue
Between 1600 South and Glendon Way
- -
McLean Street
Between Second Street and Garfield Avenue
- -
Meridian Avenue
Between Commonwealth Avenue and Poplar Boulevard
- -
Norwood Place
Between Fifth and Sixth Streets
- -
Orange Grove Avenue
Between Poplar Boulevard and Commonwealth Avenue
- -
Palm Avenue
Between Cedar Street and Alhambra Road
- -
Palm Avenue
Between Hellman Avenue and San Clemente Avenue
- -
Raymond Avenue
Between Alhambra Road and Cedar Street
- -
Ross Avenue
Between Fremont Avenue and Elm Street
- -
San Clemente
Between Date and Palm Avenues
- -
Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Streets
Between Main Street and Commonwealth Avenue
- -
Second Street
Between Alhambra Road and McLean Street
- -
Sixth Street
Between Norwood Place and the first alley south of Valley Boulevard
- -
Valencia Street
From Main Street south to dead end
- -
Woodward Avenue
Between Chapel Avenue and Story Place
- -
The first alley south of Valley Boulevard
Between Fifth and Sixth Streets
- -
('86 Code, § 11.28.150) (Ord. 2479, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3838, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 11.28.160