It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession in the city any form chart, chart, table, list, sheet, circular or publication of any kind, giving or purporting to give, or represented as giving any list, or probable or possible list, of entries for any horse race thereafter anywhere to take place, or which has already taken place, or is taking place, if there be printed or published as part thereof, or in connection therewith, or in any other publication, printing or writing accompanying the same or referring thereto, or connected therewith, any tip, information, prediction or selection of, or advice as to, or any key, cipher or cryptogram indicating, containing or giving any tip, information, publication or selection of, or advice, as to the winner or probable winner or loser or probable loser, or the result or probable result of any such race, or the standing or probable standing of any horse therein, or any statement as to, or comment upon, or reference to the form, condition or standing of, or the actual, probable or possible state, past, present or future, of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse named in such list, or probable or possible list of entries or unless the names of such horses shall be arranged in such list, or probable or possible list, in alphabetical order, and shall all be printed in type of the same size and face and of identical appearance, and shall all be printed flush with the left side of the column in which the same are printed, or all an equal distance therefrom.
('86 Code, § 9.28.240) (Ord. 2279, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010