Private right of action. An employee claiming a violation of this chapter may file an action in the Superior Court of the State of California against an employer, within three years of the occurrence of the alleged violation, and may be awarded:
   (A)   Reinstatement to the position from which the employee was discharged in violation of this chapter;
   (B)   Back pay unlawfully withheld;
   (C)   All penalties and/or fines imposed pursuant to other provisions of this chapter or state law, as determined by the court;
   (D)   For retaliatory action by an employer, the employee shall be entitled to a trebling of lost wages and penalties and/or fines imposed, in addition to reinstatement, as determined by the court;
   (E)   Interest on all due and unpaid wages at the rate of interest specified in Cal. Civil Code § 3289 subdivision (b), which shall accrue from the date that the wages were due and payable as provided in Cal. Labor Code Division 2, Part 1 (commencing with § 200), to the date the wages are paid in full; and
   (F)   Other legal or equitable relief the court may deem appropriate.
   (G)   If an employee is the prevailing party in any legal action taken pursuant to this chapter, the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees and costs as part of the costs recoverable.
(Ord. 4784, passed 4-12-21)