(A)   No employer may discharge, reduce in compensation, or otherwise discriminate against any employee for opposing any practice proscribed by this chapter, for requesting hero pay under this chapter, for participating in proceedings related to this chapter, for seeking to enforce rights under this chapter by any lawful means, or for otherwise asserting rights under this chapter. Rights protected under this chapter include: the right to file a complaint or inform any person about any party's alleged noncompliance with this chapter; and the right to inform any person of potential rights under this chapter and to assist in asserting such rights. Protections of this chapter shall apply to any employee who mistakenly, but in good faith, alleges noncompliance with this chapter.
   (B)   Rebuttable presumption of retaliation. Taking adverse action against an employee, including lowering employees' base wage or holiday premium pay or reduction of hours, within 90 days of the employee's exercise of rights protected under this chapter, shall raise a rebuttable presumption of the employer having done so in retaliation for the exercise of such rights. If an employer closes a store within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter, this shall raise a rebuttable presumption of having done so in retaliation of the worker's assertion of rights under this chapter and will trigger a public hearing conducted by the City Council or such committee as it may designate as to the circumstances of such closure.
(Ord. 4784, passed 4-12-21)