§ 5.82.050 APPEALS.
   (A)   Right of appeal. Any decision of the Business License Committee revoking any license or permit shall be subject to appeal to the City Council by the licensee by filing an appeal therefrom in writing in the office of the City Clerk within ten days after the date of the decision of the Business License Committee.
   (B)   Fee. The fee for filing any such appeal shall be $25, which fee shall be paid at the time of filing such written appeal and shall be nonrefundable.
   (C)   Hearing. The City Clerk shall set a date for hearing the appeal and shall give written notice of the date thereof to the appellant at least five days before the date of such hearing. Such hearing may be continued from time to time.
   (D)   Action. At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council shall either sustain the appeal and reinstate the license or permit or deny the appeal and affirm the decision of the Business License Committee.
('86 Code, § 5.82.050) (Ord. 3671, passed - - )