§ 5.14.100 POSTING OF FEES.
   (A)   Each person required to obtain a permit pur-suant to § 5.14.020 shall post on his or her business premises a sign containing the following information:
      (1)   The true name of the fortunetelling practitioner;
      (2)   Each service provided by the fortune-telling practitioner;
      (3)   The fees charged for each service provided by the fortunetelling practitioner;
      (4)   The statement, “By law, this business is prohibited from charging or soliciting any fee, payment or remuneration beyond these established rates.”
   (B)   The sign required by this section shall be prominently posted in the interior of the business premises at a point near the entry and shall be conspicuously visible to every person seeking the services of the fortuneteller. The sign lettering shall be of uniform size with each letter at least one-half inch in height.
   (C)   If the fortunetelling service is provided at a location other than the fortuneteller's permanent place of business, the fortuneteller shall provide the information required by this section on eight and one-half inch by 11-inch paper and legibly printed or typewritten. The paper shall also include the name and permanent address of the person providing the fortunetelling services. A true, correct and complete copy of such paper shall be given to each client prior to providing any fortunetelling services.
   (D)   No person shall charge any fee, payment, remuneration, or item of value for fortunetelling services in excess of the fees set forth on the sign or paper required by this section.
('86 Code, § 5.14.100) (Ord. 4001, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 5.14.180