(A)   Each safety employee of the Police and Fire Department who occupies a position in a class two or more levels lower in rank than the chief of the division may be promoted to the next higher class in the series upon retirement, if both the following conditions exist:
      (1)   If the employee shall certify to the appropriate chief of the division and the City Manager in writing that he has officially notified the state employees retirement system of his intention to retire; and
      (2)   If the appropriate chief of the division and the City Manager, in their discretion, shall specifically recommend promotion in recognition of the long, faithful and efficient service of the employee.
   (B)   All promotions shall be made on a tem-porary basis for a maximum of 30 days. Temporary promotions may be made without regard to the number of positions budgeted for any class, and shall not result in any change in salary or allowances being received by the employee in the duty assignment at the time of the retirement promotion.
('86 Code, § 2.64.010) (Ord. 3078, passed - - )