Each appointive officer and employer of the city, other than safety service fire and police employees, who has been continuously, employed for six or more months as a permanent or probationary employee shall be entitled to receive sick leave credit of one working day sick leave with full pay for each calendar month of permanent and probationary service, together with such additional leaves of absence with pay as the City Council may grant to any individual officer or employee in cases of hardship and merit. Except as otherwise provided by state law with respect to employees on temporary military leave of absence, if an employee is absent from work without pay for more than ten working days in any 30-day period, he shall lose one month's sick leave credit for such absence. If an employee is absent from work without pay for not more than ten working days in any 30-day period, he shall not lose any sick leave credit on account of absence.
   (A)   Any appointive officer or employee other than safety service fire and police employees shall be entitled to use any sick leave credit he may have accumulated when he is compelled to be absent on account of illness for which he is not entitled to compensation under workmen's compensation law except as provided for in § 2.54.020 of this chapter.
   (B)   An appointive officer or employee other than safety service fire and police employees may use sick leave credit only if he certifies to his department head in writing that he was sick or injured and indicates the nature of his illness or injury. If requested by the department head or the City Manager, such officer or employee shall submit a doctor's written certification stating the nature of the illness or injury. Sick leave credit shall be used at the rate of one day's sick leave credit for each working day's absence on account of illness or injury except as provided for in § 2.54.020 of this chapter.
('86 Code, § 2.54.010) (Ord. 3377, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3458, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3575, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3680, passed - - )