(A)   Initial procurement. Effective as of July 1983, the city shall pay to each person upon his or her initial employment by the city as a uniformed member of the Fire Department the sum of not to exceed $250 to defray the expense in procuring his or her first uniform.
   (B)   Replacement of uniforms. If, in the opinion of both the Fire Chief and the City Manager any portion of the uniform of any member of the Fire Department shall be so damaged or deteriorated as to require replacement, the city shall pay for a replace-ment for such damaged or deteriorated item of uniform; provided, however, the total cost to the city of replacement uniform items for any one uniformed member of the Fire Department shall not exceed $250 in any one fiscal year. This division (B) shall become operative as of July 1, 1983 and shall not be applicable to any newly hired uniformed member of the Fire Department until after such member has completed one year of service with the city.
('86 Code, § 2.40.010) (Ord. 3647, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3726, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3836, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3961, passed - - )