(A)   Composition. The Alhambra Environmental Sustainability Commission shall consist of five members. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
   (B)   Appointment, term of office. All current members of the Alhambra Environmental Committee shall be deemed members of the Alhambra Environmental Sustainability Commission and such terms of office of the current members shall expire at the second regular meeting of the Alhambra City Council in March of 2022. Each Councilperson, at that same meeting, shall appoint one member of the Commission.
      (1)   The term of office for each member of the Commission shall terminate annually on date of the second regular City Council meeting held in March of each year. Commencing on the date of the second regular meeting held in March, 2023, and annually thereafter, each Councilperson shall appoint one member to the Commission.
      (2)   No person appointed to the Commission shall serve more than eight consecutive yearly terms.
   (C)   Qualifications. All voting members of the Commission shall be residents of the city or a member of its business community.
(‘86 Code, § 2.36.030) (Ord. 3335, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4791, passed 10-11-21)