(A)   Whenever an enforcement officer determines that a violation of this code exists, the enforcement officer may issue an administrative citation to a responsible party. Each administrative citation must contain the following information:
      (1)   The date the violation;
      (2)   The address or definite description of the location where the violation was observed;
      (3)   The section of the code violation;
      (4)   A description of the conditions causing the code violation;
      (5)   The amount of the administrative fine for the code violation;
      (6)   A description of the fine payment process, including a description of the time within which, and the place where the fine must be paid;
      (7)   An order prohibiting the continued or repeated occurrence of the code violation described in the administrative citation;
      (8)   Notification that payment of a fine under this chapter does not excuse or discharge any continued or repeated occurrence of the code violation that is the subject of the administrative citation;
      (9)   A description of the administrative citation review process, including the time within which the administrative citation may be contested and the manner in which a request for review of the citation may be requested; and
      (10)   The name of the citing enforcement officer.
   (B)   In accordance with Cal. Gov’t Code § 53069.4, no responsible party will be issued an administrative citation under this chapter for a violation pertaining to a building, plumbing, electrical or similar structural or zoning issue that does not create an immediate danger to the public health or safety without first receiving a compliance order pursuant to § 1.13.050.
(Ord. 4544, passed 5-26-09)