1.04.010 Citation of code
1.04.020 Definitions generally
1.04.030 City
1.04.040 Code
1.04.050 Council
1.04.060 Computation of time
1.04.070 County
1.04.080 Day
1.04.090 Daytime, nighttime
1.04.091 City departments
1.04.100 Gender
1.04.110 In the city
1.04.120 Joint authority
1.04.130 Month
1.04.140 Number
1.04.150 Oath
1.04.160 Or, and
1.04.170 Owner
1.04.180 Person
1.04.190 Personal property
1.04.200 Preceding, following
1.04.210 Process
1.04.220 Property
1.04.230 Real property
1.04.240 Roadway
1.04.250 Shall, may
1.04.260 Sidewalk
1.04.270 Signature or subscription
1.04.280 State
1.04.290 Street, highway
1.04.300 Tenant or occupant
1.04.310 Tenses
1.04.320 Week
1.04.330 Writing
1.04.340 Year
1.04.350 Reserved