§ 23.66.090 REVOCATION.
   (A)   The Planning Commission, on its own motion, may, or upon direction of the City Council, shall hold a public hearing upon the question of revocation of a conditional use permit granted under or pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Notice of such hearing shall be published once in a news-paper of general circulation within the city, and shall be served in writing either in person or by registered mail on the owner of the property for which such conditional use permit was granted at least ten days prior to such public hearing.
   (B)   A conditional use permit shall be revoked if the Planning Commission finds that one or more of the following conditions exists:
      (1)   The conditional use permit was obtained in a fraudulent manner;
      (2)   The use for which the conditional use permit was granted had ceased to exist by reason of voluntary abatement;
      (3)   The conditional use permit is being, or has been, exercised contrary to any conditions of approval imposed upon such permit;
      (4)   The conditional use permit is being, or has been, exercised in violation of any law;
      (5)   That the use for which the conditional use permit was granted is being exercised so as to be detrimental to the public health or safety, or so as to constitute a nuisance.
('86 Code, § 23.66.090) (Ord. 4110, passed - - )