(A)   Establishment. A sanitary sewer recon-struction program is hereby established for the city.
   (B)   Purpose. The need for relief sewers in the city is due to the changing pattern of land use and the erection of many multi-story buildings. The existing sewers in the city were constructed some 40 years ago and are no longer adequate to accommodate the increased flow of sewage from the areas being redeveloped. The overload in the sewers is directly attributable to the volume of sewage generated and discharged by the larger buildings to the system. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a means of providing adequate sewers which are required for the redevelopment of the city; to establish a charge to be collected from the properties that propose to discharge into the public sewer quantities of sewage in excess of the quantity for which the system was designed; and to establish an account within the Sewer Fund in which these charges may be deposited and from which moneys will be available for the sanitary sewer reconstruction program.
('86 Code, § 16.29.010) (Ord. 3890, passed - - )