(A)   Tampering with fire hydrant. No person shall remove, tamper with, or otherwise disturb any fire hydrant or fire appliance required to be installed or maintained under the provision of this chapter except for the purpose of extinguishing fire, training purposes, recharging, or making necessary repairs or when permitted by the Fire Department. Whenever a fire appliance is removed, as herein permitted, it shall be replaced or reinstalled as soon as the purpose for which it was removed has been accomplished.
(Prior Code, § 91.31)
   (B)   Approval of hydrant use. No person shall use or operate any hydrant or other valves installed on any water system intended for use by the Chief for fire suppression purposes and which is accessible to any public unless such person first secures a permit for use from the Water Utility Office. This division (B) does not apply to the use of a hydrant or other valves by a person employed and authorized by the city to make such use of hydrants or other valves.
(Prior Code, § 91.32)
   (C)   On-site fire hydrants for new construction and replacements.
      (1)   Fire hydrants shall be located on all access roadways as required by the State Fire Prevention Code.
      (2)   Fire hydrants shall be new Kennedy Guardian brand, model K-81D, or new Waterous brand, model Pacer WB-67-250. They will have a five and one-quarter inch valve opening and have three outlets. There shall be two, two and one-half inch outlets and one four and one-half inch steamer outlet to which shall be attached a storz quick coupler. All threads are to be national, American, standard fire-hose threading. The stem and cap nuts shall be pentagon shaped and measure one and one-half inches from flat to point. The operating nuts shall turn in a left, counterclockwise, direction to open the valve. The size of the inlet feed and water main shall never be smaller than six inches for new construction.
      (3)   Fire hydrants shall be located within five feet of the required access.
      (4)   Fire hydrants shall have the four and one-half inch outlet facing the required access, and the base flange of the hydrant must not vary more than one foot in elevation from grade level of the required access. The lowest stem shall be minimum of 14 inches above the ground.
      (5)   If, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, fire hydrants are vulnerable to vehicular damage, appropriate crash posts shall be provided. No obstructions shall exist within a three-foot working area of each required access and none shall be placed directly in front of any outlet. Crash posts shall be four-inch cement-filled pipes with a minimum of three feet in height with two feet of piping below grade. Hydrant shutoff valves shall be installed on each hydrant and shall be located not closer than five feet from the hydrant and no further than 20 feet.
      (6)   Underground supplies to fire hydrant must be inspected by the Water Department. Such inspection shall include visual inspection of piping and hydrostatic pressure test of a minimum of 200 psi or 50 psi in excess of street main pressure. A flow test will be required when installation is complete with all results of flow test forwarded to the Fire Department.
      (7)   Fire hydrants are required to be maintained in an operable condition at all times and must be repaired or replaced when defective. Hydrants shall be fully operable before construction commences above ground level.
(Prior Code, § 91.38)
(Ord. 1356, passed 8-19-1996; Ord. 1454, passed 1-21-2003; Ord. 1546, passed 9-21-2009) Penalty, see § 91.99