(A)   Truancy: It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years enrolled in a public, private or parochial school within the corporate limits of the City, to absent himself or herself from attendance at school without valid cause. Any person who should so absent himself or herself shall be guilty of the offense of truancy.
   (B)   Excessive Absenteeism: It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years enrolled in a public, private or parochial school within the corporate limits of the City, to absent himself or herself from attendance at school for five (5) or more student attendance days during any one school year, unless such absenteeism is for valid cause and has been approved by his or her school district.
   (C)   Emergency Conditions: Emergency or unforeseen absence due to illness or other causes beyond the control of the person so absenting himself or herself shall not constitute truancy or excessive absenteeism if a valid cause has been obtained from the parent or person in loco parentis and such valid cause is submitted in writing to the proper school authorities within twenty four (24) hours after such absence.
   (D)   Valid Cause: A valid cause for absence is an illness that would temporarily impair or interfere with a student's learning ability, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency or such other circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent, guardian or custodian for the safety or health of the student. Valid cause shall not include baby sitting, employment activities (unless specifically sanctioned by the student's school district) or any other reason that does not temporarily impair or interfere with a student's learning ability. (Ord. 04/2013, 2-19-2013)
   (E)   Penalty: Any person thirteen (13) years of age or older found guilty of truancy or excessive absenteeism under this section shall be fined pursuant to title 12, "Schedule Of Fines", of this Code. (Ord. 22/2017, 6-19-2017)