The following amendments to the adopted international codes are hereby also adopted: (Ord. 29/2017, 8-7-2017)
   (A)   General Provisions:
      1.   All Adopted Codes:
         (a)   Throughout all adopted codes, wherever the words [name of jurisdiction] appear, insert "the city of Aledo".
         (b)   Throughout all adopted codes, wherever fee refunds are mentioned, the value "80%" shall be inserted in the appropriate place.
      2.   International Zoning Code: All references to "international zoning code" or IZC shall be interpreted to mean the zoning code adopted by the city of Aledo.
      3.   International Building Code: All references to "international building code" or "IBC" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 international building code as amended in subsection (B) of this section.
      4.   International Residential Code: All references to "international residential code" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 international residential code as amended herein.
      5.   ICC Electrical Code; Administrative Provisions: All references to "ICC electrical code - administrative provisions" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 ICC electrical code - administrative provisions as amended herein.
      6.   International Existing Building Code: All references to "international existing building code" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 international building code as amended herein.
      7.   International Fuel Gas Code: All references to "international fuel gas code" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 international fuel gas code.
      8.   International Mechanical Code: All references to "international mechanical code" shall be interpreted to mean the 2003 international mechanical code as amended herein.
(Ord. 06-19-06-1, 8-21-2006)
      9.   International Property Maintenance Code: All references to "international property maintenance code" or "IPMC" shall be interpreted to mean the 2009 international property maintenance code as amended herein.
(Ord. 29/2017, 8-7-2017)
      10.   International Plumbing Code: All references to "international plumbing code" shall be interpreted to mean the Illinois plumbing code as amended and adopted by the city of Aledo. Throughout, replace all references to specific plumbing matters with the applicable portions of the amended Illinois plumbing code unless explicitly stated otherwise by this or other ordinances of this jurisdiction.
      11.   Accessibility: All accessibility requirements are to include the provisions of the Illinois accessibility code. In the event of conflicting requirements, provisions of the Illinois accessibility code shall prevail.
      12.   International Codes Specifically Not Adopted:
         (a)   The 2003 international energy code is not adopted and any references to the international energy code are not required to be complied with. Compliance with the provisions of the 2003 international energy code is encouraged but is not required.
         (b)   The 2003 international performance code is not adopted.
         (c)   The 2003 international plumbing code is not adopted.
         (d)   The 2003 international private sewage code is not adopted. Aledo County regulates and enforces private sewage installations that may be permitted in the city of Aledo, according to state laws.
         (e)   The 2003 international urban - wildlife interface code is not adopted.
         (f)   The 2003 international zoning code is not adopted.
   (B)   Building Code:
      § 101.2.1 Appendices.
      "The following appendices are hereby adopted: C - group U - agricultural buildings; E - supplementary accessibility requirements; F - rodent proofing; G - flood-resistant construction; H - signs; I - patio covers; J - grading; K - climatic and geographic design criteria."
      § 101.4.4 Plumbing.
      Delete sentence that refers to the international private sewage disposal code.
      § 101.4.7 Energy.
      Delete entire section.
      § 103 Department Of Building Safety.
      "department of building safety"
      To read:
      "code administration department".
      § 103.1 Creation Of Enforcement Agency.
      Replace entire section with:
      "103.1 Enforcement Agency. The code administration department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this code. The official in charge of the department shall be known as the building official. The building official shall be the city administrator or his designee. Throughout this and all referenced codes and ordinances, the executive official in charge, variously referred to as the chief building inspector, code official, and similar terms, shall be interpreted to mean the building official".
      § 108.2 Schedule Of Permit Fees.
      108.2.1 Building Permit Fees. Building permit fees shall be as set by resolution of the Aledo city council.
      § 112 Board Of Appeals.
      Delete all sub-sections and replace with:
      The Aledo code committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of a building board of appeals. The committee's duties in this regard shall be limited to hearing and ruling upon whether the code official has correctly interpreted and applied a particular code or city ordinance having to do with the building codes. The committee shall have no authority to waive or amend the code, change or set policy or provide variances.
      Chapter 11 Accessibility.
      § 1101.2 Design.
      Change to read:
      "Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code, the Illinois accessibility code, and ICC A117.1."
      Chapter 13 Energy Efficiency.
      Delete all contents of chapter and replace with:
      "All provisions of the state of Illinois energy conservation code (IECC) shall be complied with."
      § 1608.1 General.
      Add: "Note: All snow loads shall be based on a minimum roof snow load (ps) of 30 pounds per square foot, except that calculations for additional snowdrift loads shall be based on a ground snow load pg = 25 pounds per square foot."
      § 1612.3 Establishment Of Flood Hazard Areas.
      Insert "latest date established by FEMA" for [insert date of issuance].
      § 1805.2.1 Frost Protection.
      (1). Change item 1 to read:
      "1. Extending below the 42 inch frost line."
      (2). Add new section:
      "1805.2.1.1 Floating Slabs. For group U occupancies 720 square feet or less, with no side dimension longer than 30 feet, and no wall height taller than 10 feet, and no more than 3 courses of masonry block, located on undisturbed soil, may be constructed with a floating slab. This slab shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick, air-entrained concrete having a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch, reinforced with a 21 pound wire mesh, and having a 12 inch thick by 12 inch wide perimeter reinforced with no less than 2 number 4 reinforcement bars. This slab shall be continuously poured with no cold joints."
      Table 1805.5.1 Plain Masonry And Plain Concrete Walls.
      At head of table add:
      "Plain masonry and plain concrete basement walls or foundation walls with 3 or more feet of unbalanced fill are not permitted."
      Chapter 29 - Plumbing Systems.
      Delete all contents of chapter and replace with:
      "Refer to the Illinois plumbing code with city of Aledo amendments."
      Appendix K - Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria.
      Add new appendix:
      Appendix K - Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria. City of Aledo amendments to 2003 international codes (not including fire code) page 11 of 32.
      Unless otherwise approved by the building official, the following minimum basic design criteria shall be used:
Roof Snow Load (p s) Pounds Per Square Foot
Wind Speed (mph)
Seismic Design Category
Subject To Damage From
Flood Hazard
Frost Line Depth
Winter Design Temp
ps = 30 psf, except that calculation for additional drift loads shall use a ground snow load pg = 25 psf
42 in.
Moderate to heavy
Slight to moderate
   (C)   Residential Code:
      § R102.5 Appendices.
      "The following appendices are hereby adopted: A - sizing and capacities of gas piping; B - sizing of venting systems... ...and type B vents; C - exit terminals of... ...venting systems; D - recommended procedure for... ...appliance installation, G - swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs; H - patio covers; K - sound transmission; L - ICC residential electrical provisions/NEC cross reference (information only)."
      § R103 Department Of Building Safety.
      "department of building safety"
      To read:
      "code administration department".
      § R103.1 Creation Of Enforcement Agency.
      Replace entire section with:
      "103.1 Enforcement Agency. The code administration department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this code. The official in charge of the department shall be known as the building official. The building official shall be the city administrator or his designee. Throughout this and all referenced codes and ordinances, the executive official in charge, variously referred to as the chief building inspector, code official, and similar terms, shall be interpreted to mean the building official".
      § R112 Board Of Appeal.
      Delete all sub-sections and replace with:
      The Aledo code committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of a building board of appeals. The committee's duties in this regard shall be limited to hearing and ruling upon whether the code official has correctly interpreted and applied a particular code or city ordinance having to do with the building codes. The committee shall have no authority to waive or amend the code, change or set policy or provide variances.
      Table R301.2(1) Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria.
      Delete table and replace with:
Roof Snow Load (p s) Pounds Per Square Foot
Wind Speed (mph)
Seismic Design Category
Subject To Damage From
Flood Hazard
Frost Line Depth
Winter Design Temp
ps = 30 psf, except that calculation for additional drift loads shall use a ground snow load pg = 25 psf
42 in.
Moderate to heavy
Slight to moderate
      § R305.1 Minimum Heights.
      Add exception:
      "5. Conversions of attics and basements of a group R-3 occupancy utilized as a single family dwelling unit shall have a ceiling height of not less than 6 feet and 8 inches. Ductwork projections may be lower than this if located against partition walls. Doorway heights must be at least 6 feet 4 inches."
      § [EB] R313.1.1 Alterations, Repairs, And Additions.
      Change exception 1. by deleting all words after "...or ceiling finishes exposing the structure,..."
      § R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection.
      Change exception 1. by deleting "...400 square feet (37 m2)..." and replacing with "...720 square feet (67 m2)...".
      Table R404.1.1(1) Plain Concrete And Plain Masonry Foundation Walls.
      At head of table add:
      "Plain masonry and plain concrete basement walls or foundation walls with 3 or more feet of unbalanced fill are not permitted."
      Part IV - Energy Conservation; Chapter 11 - Energy Efficiency.
      Near the top of the part between "Energy Efficiency" and "Section N1101", add:
      "For Information Only. Compliance with provisions of this chapter is not required by the city of Aledo."
      § M1408 Vented Floor Furnaces.
      Delete all subsections and replace with: "Floor furnaces are not permitted."
      § G2414.5.2 (403.4.3) Copper Tubing.
      Delete entire text and replace with "Copper or brass tubing is not permitted."
      Part VII - Plumbing.
      Delete all contents of part VII and replace with:
      "Refer to the Illinois plumbing code with city of Aledo amendments."
      Part VII - Electrical.
      Near the top of the part between "General Requirements" and "This electrical part (chapters 33 through 42)...", add:
      "In case of conflicts, the ICC electrical code - administrative provisions, with city of Aledo amendments governs."
   (D)   Electrical Code; Administrative Provisions:
      § 301 Department Of Electrical Inspection.
      Change "department of electrical inspection" to "code administration department".
      § 301.1 Creation Of Enforcement Agency.
      Replace entire section with:
      "The code administration department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this code. The official in charge of the department shall be known as the building official. The building official shall be the city administrator or his designee. Throughout this and all referenced codes and ordinances, the executive official in charge, variously referred to as the chief building inspector, code official, and similar terms, shall be interpreted to mean the building official".
      § 302.5 Inspections.
      Change "Shall make all of the inspections necessary..." to "Shall make, or cause to be made, all inspections necessary...".
      § 401.1 Permits Required.
      Delete all existing text and replace with:
      "Permits are required for all electrical work unless specifically exempted by ordinance. Permit fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit. Issued permits shall be kept on the premises       designated therein at all times and shall be readily available for inspection by the code official."
      § 401.2 Types Of Permits.
      Add section:
      "401.2.1 Electrical Contractors.
      1. All electrical contractors shall obtain a city contractor license prior to beginning work in the city of Aledo. The appropriate bond and insurance, as provided for building contractor licenses, shall be submitted."
      § 404.2 Schedule Of Permit Fees.
      Insert the following in place of "[jurisdiction to insert appropriate schedule]":
      By resolution of the city council.
      Chapter 11 Means Of Appeal.
      All appeals shall be made to the Aledo code committee.
      § 1202.2 Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable.
      "Type NM, NMC and NMS (nonmetallic sheathed) cable wiring methods are not permitted in commercial and industrial applications."
      § 1203.1.3 Installation.
      "Any rewiring or additions to existing electrical system must be installed in accordance with the current electrical code."
   (E)   National Electrical Code:
      § 210.8 (B) Other Than Dwelling Units.
      (1). Change "Exception..." to read "Exception No. 1..."
      (2). Add:
      "Exception No. 2: Commercial (non-residential) refrigerators and freezers will not be required to have ground-fault-circuit-interrupt protection if the outlet is not accessible to be used for a general purpose outlet."
      § 210.8 Ground-Fault-Circuit-Interrupter Protection For Personnel.
      "( C ) GFCI outlets. All 120 - volt, single phase, 15- and 20- ampere convenience receptacles within six (6) feet of any plumbing fixture must be GFCI protected in residential, commercial and industrial applications."
      § 212.12 Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection.
      Entirely delete § 212.12 (B) Dwelling Unit Bedrooms.
      § 220.3 Computation Of Branch Circuit Loads.
      "( D ) Maximum Number Of Outlets Per Circuit.
      Except as otherwise provided, the maximum number of outlets per circuit shall be:
      (1) Lighting outlets 8
      (2) Convenience outlets (general) 8
      Convenience outlets (kitchen) 2"
      Article 230 - Services.
      "230.45 Service-Entrance Conductors Inside Structures.
      When located inside the structure, non-fused service entrance conductors shall not extend more than 10 feet inside the structure unless the authority having jurisdiction determines the 10 feet may be safely and securely increased."
      § 310.5 Minimum Size Of Conductors.
      Change table 310.5 to read as follows:
         "Voltage Rating Of Minimum Conductor Size (AWG)
         Conductors - Volts Aluminum Or Copper-Clad
         Copper Aluminum
         0 – 2000 12 10
         2001 – 5000 8 8
         5001 – 8000 6 6
         8001 – 15,000 (100% insulation level) 2 2
         (133% insulation level) 1 1
         15001 – 28000 1 1
         28001 – 35000 1/0 1/0"
      § 334.10 Uses Permitted.
      Delete in its entirety and replace with the following:
      "334.10 Uses Permitted. Type NM and type NMC cable, minimum size # 12 copper or equivalent shall be permitted to be used in one-family, two family and multi-family dwellings. All service and sub-feeds shall be installed in raceway.
      Exception: One-family and two-family dwellings not exceeding three stories in height may utilize # 12NM or NMC cable or larger without raceways for sub-feeds."
      § 334.12 Uses Not Permitted.
      "(11) Type NM and type NMC cable shall not be used as a fixture whip for any electrical installation in residential, commercial or industrial applications.
      (12) Type NM and type NMC cable shall not be used in any commercial or industrial applications."
      § 404.4 Wet Locations.
      "In no case shall any outlet, switch or unapproved fixture be installed within reach of tub or shower and four (4) feet shall be considered minimum distance from said tub or shower."
      § 410.14 (A)
      Delete and replace with:
      "§ 410.14 Connection Of Electric-Discharge Luminaires (Lighting Fixtures).
      (A) Independent Of The Outlet Box. Electric discharge lighting fixtures supported independent of the outlet box shall be connected to the branch circuit through metal raceway, non-metallic raceway, type MC cable, type AC cable, type MI cable or by flexible cord as permitted in section 410.30(B) or (C)."
   (F)   Existing Building Code:
      § 103 Department Of Building Safety.
      "department of building safety"
      To read:
      "code administration department".
      § 103.1 Creation Of Enforcement Agency.
      Replace entire section with:
      "103.1 Enforcement Agency. The code administration department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this code. The official in charge of the department shall be known as the building official. The building official shall be the city administrator or his designee. Throughout this and all referenced codes and ordinances, the executive official in charge, variously referred to as the chief building inspector, code official, and similar terms, shall be interpreted to mean the building official".
      § 112 Board Of Appeals.
      Delete all sub-sections and replace with:
      The Aledo code committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of a building board of appeals. The committee's duties in this regard shall be limited to hearing and ruling upon whether the code official has correctly interpreted and applied a particular code or city ordinance having to do with the building codes. The committee shall have no authority to waive or amend the code, change or set policy or provide variances.
      § 117 Demolition.
      Delete § 117.4 Salvage Materials.
      § 1201.2 Applicability.
      Insert "July 3, 2006" for [date to be inserted by the jurisdiction]
   (G)   Mechanical Code:
      § 101.2.1 Appendices.
      "Appendix A - ‘Combustion Air Openings and Chimney Connector Pass-throughs’ is hereby adopted."
      § 103 Department Of Mechanical Inspection.
      "department of mechanical inspection"
      To read:
      "code administration department"
      § 103.1 General.
      Replace entire section with:
      "103.1 General.
      The code administration department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this code. The official in charge of the department shall be known as the building official. The building official shall be the city administrator or his designee. Throughout this and all referenced codes and ordinances, the executive official in charge, variously referred to as the chief building inspector, code official, and similar terms, shall be interpreted to mean the building official".
      § 106.5.2 Fee Schedule.
      Insert the following in place of "[jurisdiction to insert appropriate schedule]":
      "Fee schedule shall be as established by resolution of city council."
      § 108.4 Violation Penalties.
      Violation penalties shall be as established by resolution of city council.
      § 108.5 Stop Work Orders.
      Delete the last sentence in its entirety, beginning with "Any person who shall continue any work..."
      § 109 Means Of Appeal.
      Delete all sub-sections and replace with:
      The Aledo code committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of a building board of appeals. The committee's duties in this regard shall be limited to hearing and ruling upon whether the code official has correctly interpreted and applied a particular code or city ordinance having to do with the building codes. The committee shall have no authority to waive or amend the code, change or set policy or provide variances.
      § 910 Floor Furnaces.
      Delete all subsections and replace with: "Floor furnaces are not permitted."
(Ord. 06-19-06-1, 8-21-2006)
   (H)   Property Maintenance Code:
      Code Official. The term "code official" shall mean the building official of the city of Aledo throughout this code.
      § 103. Change title from "Department Of Property Maintenance Inspection" to "Inspection Division"
      (1). Delete § 103.1 General.
      (2). Delete § 103.2 Appointment.
      (3). Delete § 103.5 Fees.
      § 104.32 Inspections.
      Change from "The code official shall make all of the required inspections..." to "The code official or his designees shall make all of the required inspections..."
      § 104.54 Identification.
      Change from "The code official shall carry..." to "The code official and his designees shall carry..."
      § 104.65 Notices And Orders.
      Change from: "The code official shall issue..." to "The code official or his designee shall issue..."
      § 104.76 Department Records.
      Delete entire section.
      § 104.8 Coordination Of Inspections.
      Delete entire section.
      § 106 Violations.
      Add "Violation penalties shall be as established by resolution of the city council."
      § 109 Emergency Measures.
      Add section:
      "109.7 Emergency Demolitions. Insofar as it does not conflict with other provisions of this code, the provisions of the Aledo code of ordinances pertaining to the abatement of dangerous buildings remain in effect, particularly with regard to emergency demolitions. In all cases, the stricter standards shall apply".
      § 110.4 Salvage Materials.
      Delete entire section.
      § 111.1 Application For Appeal.
      Change "...20 days..." to "...14 days...".
      § 111.2 Membership Of Board.
      Delete entire section and replace with:
      "The board of appeals shall be the code committee as constituted by city ordinance."
      § 111.2.4 Secretary.
      Delete entire section and replace with:
      "The building official or his designee shall serve as secretary to the board."
      § 111.2.5 Compensation of Members.
      Delete entire section.
      § 202 Definitions.
      (1). Code Official. Delete definition and replace with: "The building official of the city of Aledo."
      (12). Add to Garbage: "This definition applies to this property maintenance code only."
      (23). Inoperable Motor Vehicle. Delete definition and replace with: "See definition in Aledo code of ordinances section 9-7-2."
      (34). Add to Rubbish: "This definition applies to this property maintenance code only."
      § 301.4 General.
      Add section: "Nothing in this code shall prevent the city of Aledo from taking emergency action to abate a nuisance that is immediately threatening to the health, safety and welfare of the community. Such action may be taken in the event that the required notice and compliance times will allow the nuisance to unreasonably threaten injury to life or property."
      § 302.1 Sanitation: Add "In addition to the fines provided for a violation of this section, the city may, after the responsible party has failed to comply with the notice of violation, perform such work so as to restore the property to a clean, safe and sanitary condition. Such work shall be at cost to the owner. In performing such nuisance abatement, the city shall follow all legal requirements."
      § 302.3 Sidewalks And Driveways.
      "Exception: Temporarily hazardous conditions due to weather conditions."
      § 302.4 Weeds.
      Insert "8 inches" in space indicated as (jurisdiction to insert height in inches).
      § 302.8 Motor Vehicles.
      Delete section and insert following text replace with:
      "No inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored on any premises and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepair or in the process of being stripped or dismantled. Painting of vehicles is prohibited unless conducted inside an approved spray booth.
      Exception: Vehicles belonging to the lawful occupant of the property may be kept in an accessory building properly and lawfully constructed and zoned for such use, provided such storage is safe and sanitary, regardless of its operative or license status. A motor vehicle may undergo major overhaul provided such work is permitted by the zoning ordinance and performed inside a structure that is designed and approved for such purpose.
      In addition to the fines provided for a violation of this section, the city may, after the responsible party has failed to comply with the notice of violation, remove the offending vehicle from the property at cost to the owner. In performing such nuisance abatement, the city shall follow all legal requirements."
      § 302.14 Insect Screens.
      Delete entire section and replace with:
      "During the period from April 15th to November 15th, every door, window and other outside opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms, shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch and every required swinging door shall have a self closing device in good working order. The property owner shall be responsible for installation thereof."
      § 307 Rubbish And Garbage.
      § 403.3 Cooking Facilities.
      Delete entire section.
      § 505.4 Water Heating Facilities.
      Delete entire section and replace with:
      "Water heating facilities shall be properly installed, maintained and capable of providing an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required sink, lavatory, bathtub, shower, and laundry facility at temperatures specified in the Illinois plumbing code. Storage-type water heaters shall have the following minimum capacities:
       1. Single unit - 30 gallons.
       2. Duplex unit with shared water heater - 40 gallons.
       3. Triplex unit with shared water heater - 50 gallons.
      Other means of supplying hot water, such as demand-type water heaters, must supply at least the equivalent amount of heated water in wintertime conditions.
      A gas-burning water heater shall not be located in any bathroom, toilet room, bedroom, or other occupied room normally kept closed, unless adequate combustion air is provided."
      § 602.3 Heat Supply.
      Insert "October 1st" and "May 15th" in spaces indicated as [DATE].
      § 602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces.
      Insert "October 1st" and "May 15th" for dates required in spaces indicated as [DATE].
      § 606.1 General.
      Delete entire section and replace with:
      "Elevators, dumbwaiters, and escalators shall be maintained and certified in accordance with Illinois statutes and regulations."
(Ord. 29/2017, 8-7-2017)