General Provisions
82.01 Failure to pay admission fee
82.02 Failure to pay for ambulance service
Offenses Against Property
82.10 Posting bills
82.10.1 Consent of owner of property requisite to posting bills thereon
82.11 Damaging streets and property
82.12 Damaging playground and park property
82.13 Damaging trees and plants
82.14 Defacing property
82.15 Spitting, defacing walls, throwing refuse on sidewalks
Nuisances; Abatement Procedures
82.16 Nuisances enumerated
82.17 Investigation; notice to abate
82.18 Abatement by the city; recovery of costs
Offenses Against Morals
82.20 Profanity; riotous conduct
82.21 Massage of private parts for hire prohibited
82.22 Public consumption of malt beverages or unfortified wines prohibited
82.23 Obscene words or pictures, writing or drawing on walls; obscene acts
82.24 Registered sex offenders banned from public parks, recreation areas and green ways
Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety
82.30 Begging, panhandling, or soliciting contributions or alms for personal gain
82.31 Soliciting alms under pretext of selling merchandise
82.32 Disturbing church services
82.33 Disturbing public meetings
82.34 Firearms and fireworks
82.35 Playing games in streets
82.36 Soliciting subscriptions on streets
82.37 Restriction on use of coasters, roller skates
82.37.1 Restriction on use of skateboards, coasters
82.38 City parks, playgrounds, and recreation centers; entering during closed hours prohibited; rules and regulations for operation
82.39 Sound levels regulated
82.40 Loitering for the purpose of engaging in drug-related activity
82.41 Weapons prohibited on city property
82.42 Solicitation
82.50 Definition
82.51 Prohibited
82.52 Exemption
82.53 Removal of graffiti
82.54 Restitution
82.55 Removal of graffiti by city
It shall be unlawful for any person to attempt to see any public entertainment for which a fee is charged without paying the admission fee. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(‘58 Code, § 10-12) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1- 3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"AMBULANCE." Any motor vehicle equipped with facilities therein to transport injured or infirm persons, on call or demand, accepting patients and transporting them from one point to another in the city.
"CALL" or "RUN." The act of progressing with an ambulance to the scene of need and transporting a patient to his destination.
('58 Code, § 18-30)
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to do the following.
(1) Obtain or receive ambulance services without intending at the time of obtaining or receiving the services to pay, if financially able, the necessary charges.
(2) Knowingly and willfully summon an ambulance or report that an ambulance is needed when the person knows that the services of an ambulance are not needed.
(C) A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor
(‘58 Code, § 18-31) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1- 3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99