   If the Chief of Police finds that the applicant to drive a taxicab has not been convicted of a felony; a violation of any federal or state statute relating to the use, possession, or sale of intoxicating liquors; any federal or state statute relating to prostitution; any federal or state statute relating to the use, possession, or sale of narcotic drugs; within the past five years, and that the applicant is a citizen of the United States and is not a habitual user of intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs; has not been a habitual violator of traffic laws; and is a careful and prudent driver, the Chief may issue a permit to the applicant to drive a taxicab on receipt of the fee established by Council for these permits.
('58 Code, § 18-22)
   All permits issued by the city shall be for a maximum term of one year and shall expire on May 31 of each year. Drivers may renew their permits by filing an application and paying the required fee.
('58 Code, § 18-23)
   At any time after the issuance of a permit to any person to drive a taxicab, the City Council may revoke the permit, if the person holding the permit is convicted of a felony; a violation of any federal or state statute relating to the use, possession, or sale of intoxicating liquors; a violation of any federal or state statute relating to the use, possession, or sale of narcotic drug; repeated violations of traffic laws or ordinances; a violation of any state or federal statute relating to prostitution; or becomes an habitual user of intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs.
('58 Code, § 18-24)
   The driver of every taxicab shall at all times while operating the taxicab, prominently post and display in the taxicab, so as to be visible to the passengers therein, his permit to drive a taxicab.
(‘58 Code, § 18-25) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1- 3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99