(A) The City Council may at any time after a public hearing revoke any certificate issued by authority of this subchapter for any one, or more, of the following causes.
(1) Failure to operate the taxicabs specified in the certificate in such a manner as to serve the public adequately and efficiently.
(2) Failure to maintain motor equipment in good repair.
(3) Failure to carry liability insurance or bond as required by ordinance.
(4) Failure to pay to the city the taxes or license fee for each taxicab, imposed upon the taxicabs.
(5) Repeated and persistent violation by the taxicab drivers of traffic and safety ordinances, or state laws relating to alcoholic beverages or prostitution.
(6) Failure to report accidents.
(7) Wilful failure to comply with any provision of this chapter or ordinances or state laws relating to the operation of taxicabs.
(B) No certificate shall be revoked until the owner has had at least five days' notice by personal service or registered mail of the charges against him and of the time and place of the hearing. If, after the hearing, it is found that the owner is guilty of one or more of the offenses listed in division (A) above, Council shall have the power to revoke the certificate, or to condition a revocation upon compliance with its order within any time fixed by it.
('58 Code, § 18-10)
The person to whom a certificate has been issued may, by appropriate endorsement thereon by the City Clerk, substitute other vehicles for the vehicles for which the certificate was granted. In this instance, the liability insurance or bonds shall also be transferred to the substitute vehicle.
(‘58 Code, § 18-11) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3- 22) Penalty, see § 10.99
All taxicabs and jitneys hauling passengers in the city shall carry indemnity insurance while operating in or out of the city. The insurance shall be in the sum of not less than the minimum level of liability insurance required by G.S. Chapter 20, Article 9A (Motor Vehicle Safety and Responsibility Ace of 1953) to cover injury to one or more persons on account of the operation of the taxicab or jitney.
('58 Code, §§ 18-12 and 18-13) (Am. Ord. 04-01, passed 1-5-04
Every person operating taxicabs shall have permanent signs at conspicuous places on each taxicab showing that it is a taxi and the name of the franchise and the number of the taxicab assigned.
(‘58 Code, § 18-14) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1- 3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall drive any taxicab carrying passengers for hire from place to place within the city, or within a distance of five miles thereof, unless that person shall have first applied to and secured from the Chief of Police a permit to drive a taxicab.
(‘58 Code, § 18-19) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1- 3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
The application required of applicants to drive a taxicab shall be made on blanks furnished by the city for the purpose and shall, among other things, state the name, address, physical condition, physical description, former employers, court record, and prove applicant has a valid North Carolina driver's license as provided in G.S. Chapter 20, Article C. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant.
('58 Code, §§ 18-20 and 18-21) (Am. Ord. 04-01, passed 1-5-04)