The person to whom a permit to construct a platform or structure is issued shall be responsible at all times for the care and upkeep of the platform or structure and shall see that no merchandise, crates, trash, boxes, and other articles are left on the platform or in the alley near the platform, that the platform and the alley around the platform are in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition at all times, and that the platform is used only for loading and unloading purposes. No platform shall be used for the storage of any merchandise, tools, or other property. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § 13-19) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3- 22) Penalty, see § 10.99
The City Council may, upon a finding that the public necessity requires it, require and compel the removal of any platform or structure constructed or erected under the provisions of this subchapter. Upon notification that the platform or structure should be removed, the property owner shall proceed forthwith at his own expense to remove it. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § 13-20) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3- 22) Penalty, see § 10.99
A permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall be deemed in compliance with the requirement for permission contained in § 40.12.
('58 Code, § 13-21)
(A) Any act, neglect, or omission, or any condition caused or allowed to continue which creates or results in causing a condition in or on any public street, sidewalk, or storm drain which requires special cleaning or repair of the street, sidewalk, or storm drain is hereby prohibited. Prohibited acts, neglects, omissions, and conditions which result in requiring special cleaning or repair shall include but shall not be limited to the following.
(1) The hauling of dirt, debris, or materials removed from the sites of construction or reconstruc- tion of buildings or structures, or waste materials of any kind, in such manner that any portion of the dirt, debris, or materials is spilled, lost, dropped, or left on the streets or sidewalks.
(2) The depositing or leaving on the streets or sidewalks of mud, dirt, or any other material as a result of the use of trucks, construction equipment, or machinery, regardless of whether the materials are spilled, lost, or dropped in transit or are deposited on the surface of the street or public property by the tires or wheels of the trucks, construction equipment, or machinery.
(3) The grading of lots, land, or driveways at elevations higher than street or sidewalk level, or any other acts, neglects, or conditions created or allowed to exist on the property which result in mud, dirt, soil, gravel, debris, or other materials being washed onto city streets or sidewalks or into the city storm drainage system.
(4) No person, firm or corporation shall deposit or cause to be deposited any yard waste, including but not limited to leaves, grass clippings, twigs or limbs, within the right of way of any public street, sidewalk, or storm drain.
(B) Special cleaning or repair of streets, sidewalks, and the storm drainage system shall be deemed to be required when their condition is such that the public health, safety, welfare, or public use of them is threatened, limited, or impaired; the use and enjoyment of property abutting the streets or sidewalks are diminished or limited; or substantial damage is caused to the streets, sidewalks, or drainage facilities or to the abutting property. "SPECIAL CLEANING OR REPAIR" as used in this section and §§ 40.31 and 40.99 shall include resurfacing, restoration of gravel, and similar repairs made necessary by prohibited acts, neglects, or conditions.
(Ord. 79-7, passed 4-23-79; Am. Ord. 02-04, passed 1-22-02) Penalty, see § 40.99
The Public Works Department will clean and repair all streets, sidewalks, and storm drains as and when special cleaning or repair is required by conditions defined in § 40.30(B). The Public Works Department will keep records of the costs of all specially required cleaning and repair, which may be computed on the basis of established per mile or per hour cost of the use of city equipment, plus labor and materials, including water, likewise computed at cost to the city.
(Ord. 79-7, passed 4-23-79)
The property numbering map entitled "Property Numbering Map, dated February 1, 1983, City of Albemarle, N.C.", is hereby adopted as the official map and no other property numbers shall be used or displayed in the city except numbers assigned in accordance with the official numbering map. The property numbering map shall be kept on file in the office of the Codes Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. 82-24, passed 11-15-82)