   Every golf cart and driver thereof shall have, in full force and effect, a valid insurance policy meeting the financial responsibility requirements set forth in G.S. § 20-309 of the state motor vehicle laws and other applicable state law requirements.
(Ord. 24-11, passed 5-6-24)
   This chapter is adopted to address the interest of public safety. Golf carts are not designed or manufactured to be used on public streets. The city, in no way, advocates or endorses their operation on public streets and roadways. The city, by regulating such operation, is merely trying to address obvious safety issues and adoption of this chapter is not to be relied upon as a determination that operating on public streets and roadways is safe or advisable if done in accordance with this chapter. All persons who operate or run upon golf carts on public streets or roads do so at their own risk and peril and must be observant of and attentive to the safety of themselves and others, including their passengers, other motorists, bicycles and pedestrians. The city has no liability under any theory of liability and the city assumes no liability for permitting golf carts to be operated on public streets and roadways. Persons who operate a golf cart are responsible for procuring liability insurance sufficient to cover the risk involved in using a golf cart.
(Ord. 24-11, passed 5-6-24)
   (A)   That a copy of this chapter shall be recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Stanly County, North Carolina; and
   (B)   This chapter shall amend any and all changes, amendments and the like in and to the description whether or not appearing in the public hearing notice or resolution heretofore advertised or adopted.
(Ord. 24-11, passed 5-6-24)
   (A)   Violation of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute an infraction in accordance with G.S. Ch. 20, the maximum penalty for which shall be $20 and such other penalties and fines as by law provided. In addition, the special use permit of the violator shall be revoked for a period of one year.
   (B)   Any violation of the sections of this chapter shall subject the violator to those civil penalties hereinafter set forth. Unpaid civil penalties may be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of a debt against the violator.
   (C)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of this section.
   (D)   Notice to be affixed. Whenever a member of the Police Department or other person authorized with the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter regulating parking of vehicles shall find any of those provisions are being or have been violated by the owner or operator of the vehicle the officer or person shall notify the owner or operator of the vehicle of the violation by conspicuously attaching to the vehicle a parking violation notice or citation.
   (E)   Responsibility for penalty. Upon receiving a notice or citation serving as notice of violation of the parking regulations set forth in this section, the owner or operator of the vehicle found in violation shall be responsible for penalties herein established.
(Ord. 24-11, passed 5-6-24)