In order to determine and document the location of vacant structures for the purpose of monitoring blight, preventing abandonment of structures, deterioration of buildings leading to unsafe conditions, improving quality of life for residents and helping to improve the economic vitality of the city, Albemarle City Council authorizes the City Manager and his or her designees to initiate a mandatory vacant property registry program as is deemed necessary by the City Manager and as resources permit. Once initiated, said program shall consist of the following requirements for owners of commercial and non-residential properties in the areas designated by the City Manager or his or her designee, up to and including the entirety of the incorporated limits of the city. Unless otherwise formally decided upon by City Council, such registration shall be maintained free of charge to vacant property owners, except in the event of violations as provided in this chapter.
   (A)    Any vacant commercial or non-residential property that has been vacant for at least 180 days must be registered by the owner with designated city staff, either:
      (1)    Of the owner of a vacant property's own accord before receiving a notice of registration requirement; or
      (2)    Within 30 days of receiving a notice of registration requirement from the town.
   (B)   The city will send an initial notice of registration requirement to the owner of record of properties that exhibit evidence of vacancy as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her designee(s). Owner shall register property within the time period set forth in division (A) of this section unless owner can provide clear and convincing evidence to the code enforcement officer or his or her designee(s), within such time period, that the property is not vacant.
   (C)    The registration shall contain for each vacant property:
      (1)    The name of the owner (corporation or individual);
      (2)    The direct street/office mailing address of the owner and P.O. Box if applicable; and
      (3)    A direct contact name and phone number.
   (D)    Any changes in the owner's information, including new ownership shall be reported to the city staff within 30 days of such changes.
   (E)    Any future occupancies of the building for non-residential purposes shall be reported to city staff within 30 days with proof of occupancy.
   (F)    Vacant properties shall remain subject to the registration, maintenance, and security requirements of this chapter as long as they remain vacant.
   (G)    Failure to provide requested information upon receipt of notice of registration requirement or to provide updated information in accordance with the times provided may result in civil penalties as provided in Chapter 10 of City Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 20-01, passed 1-6-20; Am. Ord. 21-40, passed 9-7-21)