(A) No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog within the city unless the dog is licensed as herein provided. Written application for a license shall be made to the city Tax Collector and shall state the name, address, and telephone number of the owner and the name, breed, color, sex, and distinguishing marks of the dog. The license fee shall be paid to the city Tax Collector at the time of making the application. The city Tax Collector shall transmit to the Police Department all registration forms after all fees have been paid. The Police Department shall keep all registration forms for a three-year period open to public inspection at regular city business hours. The records shall be filed alphabetically by name of dog owner and numerically by Stanly County dog tax tag number.
(B) The yearly license fees shall be $2 for male dog or spayed female dog and $2 for an unspayed female dog.
(C) All dog licenses shall be issued for one year beginning with January 1. The owner may apply for the license during January without penalty for the delay, but when an application which should have been made by January 1 is not made until after January 31, the appropriate license fee shall be increased by 50%. However, if the applicant became the owner of the dog after January 1, the license fee may be prorated to the nearest quarter and the penalty for delinquency shall be added 30 days after the date when the license should have been procured.
(D) If ownership of a dog is transferred, the new owner may have the current license transferred to his name on payment of a fee of $1.
(E) The owner shall keep on the dog, at all times when the dog is not inside a private building, a collar or harness, and the tag issued by the Stanly County Tax Collector shall be affixed to the collar or harness in such a manner that the tag can be easily seen.
(F) No person shall use for any dog a tag issued for a different dog.
(G) If a license is destroyed or lost, a duplicate or replacement shall be obtained from the Stanly County Tax Collector and the Police Department shall be notified of the new number.
(H) A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
A dog owner shall keep his dog under restraint at all times. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Dogs are prohibited on the premises of the Old Albemarle Cemetery located on Pee Dee Avenue and the Liberty Gardens located at the south west corner of the intersection of West Main Street and Depot Street, provided however, this prohibition shall not apply to police dogs supervised and controlled by a police officer and to service animals accompanied by its master.
(B) Dogs found on the above described premises may be apprehended and impounded pursuant to the provisions of § 81.31.
(C) A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any owner, possessor, or harborer of any dog to allow such dog(s) to enter the premises of a public park owned or maintained by the city unless such dog(s) is under leash or other restraint; provided however, nothing herein contained shall be construed to allow dog(s) where prohibited by § 81.31 of this code.
(B) Dog(s) found on the premises of a public park that are not under leash or other restraint may be apprehended and impounded pursuant to the provisions of § 81.31 of this code.
(C) A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(B) If the dog wears a license tag or if the owner can by any other reasonable means be identified and located, the owner shall within 12 hours be notified by mail that the dog has been impounded.
(C) If the dog is impounded in the Stanly County dog pound it then becomes the responsibility of the county, and its further disposition shall be under the applicable county or state laws. All boarding, release, or adoption fees shall be paid to Stanly County.
(D) If the dog for some good reason is not placed in the Stanly County pound then the following further disposition shall apply.
(1) If a dog is not redeemed by the owner within four days after impoundment, the dog may be disposed of in one of the following ways, but no other way.
(a) Euthanasia, using a method approved by the humane society of the United States.
(b) Release for adoption by a new owner who shows evidence of ability and intention to provide the dog with an appropriate home and humane care; provided, that no unspayed female dog shall be released for adoption unless a licensed veterinarian certifies in writing that he has been paid in full for spaying of the dog and will perform the operation within 30 days or before the dog's first oestriol period.
(2) An owner redeeming a dog from impoundment shall pay, before release, an impoundment fee of $2 plus a boarding charge of $1 for each 24 hours or fraction thereof that the dog has been impounded. The fees shall be delivered by the animal shelter manager to the City Treasurer.
(3) Any new owner adopting a dog from the pound shall first obtain a license for the dog and shall, in addition, pay an adoption fee of $5.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19)
The owner of a dog shall provide it with humane shelter from heat, cold, rain, wind, and snow, and shall give it food and water adequate to keep the animal in good health and comfort. Doghouses and kennels must be soundly constructed, dry, and provided in cold weather with clean bedding. All dogs must be given opportunity for vigorous daily exercise and must be provided by their owners with veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering. No owner shall permit a dog habitually to bark, howl, or in other ways be a public nuisance. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 19-27, passed 8-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99