All new residential or non-residential lawn in-ground irrigation systems installed after application of this section that will be supplied from the city water system shall be independently connected to the system and water consumption shall be measured through a separate irrigation meter. The new lawn in-ground irrigation system must have a backflow device of the RP (reduced pressure zone) type as a minimum containment device.
(Ord. 09-31, passed - -09)
As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(A) "WATER." Any type of water, including fresh water, brackish water, wastewater, or reclaimed water.
(B) "NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER." Commercial, industrial, institutional, public and all other such uses, with the exception of hospitals and health care facilities.
(C) "RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER." Any customer who receives water service for a single- or multi-family dwelling unit. The term residential customer does not include educational or other institutions, hotels, motels, or similar commercial establishments.
(Ord. 09-31, passed - -09)
An irrigation service line may be installed by a direct tap into the water main (separate tap) or by a split line off the non-irrigation service line at a point between the water main and the non-irrigation meter (split tap). The irrigation service line shall be installed with a backflow device of the RPZ (reduced pressure zone) type and a cut off valve, of a manufacturer's type as determine by the city, no more than six inches from the city irrigation meter to prevent any possible contamination of the city water system. Either method of connection shall be performed by the city Public Utilities Department only. No contractor shall be allowed to complete connections to the water main unless a permit is obtained prior to installing an irrigation service line from the Director of Public Utilities.
(Ord. 09-31, passed - -09)