No poles for electric, cable television, fiber optic shall be placed or erected in any street right-of-way without a permit therefor from the city. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § 13-9) (Am. Ord. 06-01, passed 1-3-06; Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle into or on any alley or street when the alley or street has been barricaded by an employee of the city.
('58 Code, § 13-12)
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person other than an employee of the city, to remove, tear down, or destroy any barricade which has been erected by the city.
(C) A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § 13-13) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3- 22) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to build or erect any porch, step, platform, wall, fence, column, footing or other like obstruction upon or under any sidewalk, street or alley within the city; provided, however, that in the restoration, reconstruction, or addition to buildings of an historical nature, in the CBD/Central Business District, where no building setback lines are required by the zoning ordinance of the city, it shall be permissible, upon the approval of the City Council, to make such restoration, reconstruction, or addition to encroach upon or under a sidewalk. As a condition precedent to the City Council's issuance of any permit for such encroachment, the following requirements shall be met:
(1) The building to be restored, reconstructed or added upon shall be located in an existing or proposed local historic district.
(2) The right-of-way of the street upon which any such building abuts shall be at least 45 feet wide.
(3) The encroachment shall not extend over or upon a sidewalk, including the street curbing, for a distance of greater than four feet or for more than one-third of the sidewalk width, whichever is less, nor shall the encroachment extend under a sidewalk for a distance of greater than four feet.
(4) Prior to the submittal to City Council, detailed plans must be submitted and approved by the Director of Engineering and Director of Public Works.
(B) Such encroachment upon or under any sidewalk shall constitute the owner's agreement to protect and hold the city harmless against any and all liability, cost, damage or expense suffered or sustained by the city as a result of or growing out of the encroachment upon or under such sidewalk.
(Ord. 05-50, passed 11-21-05)
Owners of property abutting on a public alley in the city located in a district zoned for uses other than residential may erect and maintain loading and unloading platforms or structures in any public alleyway upon applying for and receiving a permit from the City Council.
('58 Code, § 13-16)
Application for the permit required by § 40.21 must be in writing to the City Council on forms furnished by the city. The application shall contain the name and address of the applicant- owner; the name and address of the contractor or person who is to construct the platform or structure; the location and width of the alley into which the platform or structure is to encroach; the location in the alley and the dimensions of the proposed platform or structure; and information showing that the proposed platform or structure will not unduly obstruct the public's use of the alley. The application must be accompanied by complete plans and specifications for the construction of the platform or structure, and a bond indemnifying the city against loss by reason of damage to the alley during construction or use of the platform or structure.
('58 Code, § 13-17)