Regular municipal elections shall be held in the City in 1995 and every two years thereafter and shall be conducted in accordance with the uniform municipal election laws of North Carolina. The Mayor and members of the City Council shall be elected according to the partisan primary and elections method as provided in G.S. 163-291.
(Session Laws of 1979, Chapter 259 § 3.1; Am. Ord. 95-18, passed 5-1-95)
At the regular municipal election in 1995 and every two years thereafter, the Mayor shall be nominated and elected by and from the qualified voters of the city to serve for a two year term. At a regular municipal election to be held in 1995, members of the City Council shall be nominated and elected as follows:
The member of Council from District 1 and the member of Council from District 3 shall be nominated and elected by and from the qualified voters of the electorial district to serve for a four year term.
The member of Council from District 2 and the member of Council from District 4 shall be nominated and elected by and from the qualified voters of the electorial district to serve for a two year term.
Three members of Council shall be nominated and elected at large by and from the qualified voters of the city. The two at large members of Council receiving the highest number of votes in the regular municipal election shall be elected to serve for a four year term. The at large member of Council receiving the next highest number of votes in the regular municipal election shall be elected to serve for a two year term.
At the regular municipal election held in 1997, and every four years thereafter, the member of Council from District 2 and the member of Council from District 4 and the member of Council elected at large in the 1995 regular municipal election to serve a two year term shall be nominated and elected to serve for a four year term.
At the regular municipal election held in 1999 and every four years thereafter, the member of Council from District 1 and the member of Council from District 3 and the two members of Council elected at large in the 1995 regular municipal election to serve a four year term shall be nominated and elected to serve for a four year term.
(Session Laws of 1979, Chapter 259 § 3.2; Amended by Session Laws of 1988, Chapter 881; Am. Ord. 95-18, passed 5-1-95)
The City of Albemarle is divided into four electoral districts for the election of members of the City Council. For the purpose of elections beginning in 2001, the districts are as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the Winston-Salem South Bound Railroad Company's main line and West Main Street in the City of Albemarle, and runs thence eastwardly with Main Street to the NC Highway 740 East By-pass; thence northeast along said road to the intersection with Anderson Grove Church Road; thence southwardly along said street to Greenview Drive; thence northeast along Greenview Drive to the corporate limit line of the City of Albemarle; thence following the corporate limit line as it meanders clockwise in a general southwardly and westwardly direction to its intersection with the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line and runs thence northwardly along the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line to its intersection with West Main Street, the point of beginning.
Notwithstanding, the following areas shall be excluded from the boundaries of District 1:
BEGINNING at a point approximately 522 feet south of NC Highway 24/27 East Bypass, head south for approximately 561 feet; then head west for approximately 1,071 feet; then head north for approximately 122 feet; then head northeast for approximately 1,160 feet to the point of beginning. Said described area may also be referenced as Stanly County Tax Parcel 654819701698. Said area is approximately 10.24 acres in size; and,
BEGINNING at a point approximately 232 feet south of Anderson Road, head south for approximately 282 feet; then head east for approximately 463 feet; then head north for approximately 130 feet; then head west for approximately 460 feet to the point of beginning. Said described area may also be referenced as Stanly County Tax Parcel 655818305236. Said area is approximately 1.20 acres in size.
BEGINNING at the intersection of the Winston-Salem South Bound Railroad Company's main line and West Main Street in the City of Albemarle, and runs thence northwardly with the Winston-Salem South Bound Railroad Company's main line to Salisbury Avenue; thence northwest along Salisbury Avenue to the intersection with the corporate limit line of the City of Albemarle; thence following the corporate limit line as it meanders counterclockwise in a general westwardly, southwardly and eastwardly direction to its intersection with the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line and runs thence northwardly along the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line to its intersection with West Main Street, the point of beginning.
In addition, the following satellite annexation areas that do not abut the primary corporate limits of the City of Albemarle shall be included as being part of District 2:
BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Aquadale Road approximately 2,100 feet south of the corporate limits then heading east for approximately 194 feet; then heading south for approximately 121 feet; then heading west for approximately 190 feet; then heading north for approximately 128 feet to the point of beginning. Said described area may also be referenced as Stanly County Tax Parcel 654700241433. Said area is approximately 0.54 acres in size; and,
BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Canton Road approximately 1,400 feet from the intersection of Canton Road with NC Highway 24/27, then heading north for approximately 1,620 feet; then heading east for approximately 157 feet; then heading south for approximately 249 feet; then heading southeast for approximately 125 feet; then heading east for approximately 767 feet; then heading northwest for approximately 1,680 feet; then heading west for approximately 894 feet; then heading south for approximately 830 feet; then heading west for approximately 704 feet; then heading south for approximately 1,045 feet; then heading east for approximately 998 feet; then heading south for approximately 1,237 feet; then heading east along NC Highway 24/27 for approximately 763 feet to the point of beginning; and,
BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Concord Road at the intersection of Concord Road and Nelson Mountain Road go north along Nelson Mountain Road for approximately 490 feet; then heading east for approximately 340 feet; then heading south for approximately 985 feet; then heading west along Concord Road for approximately 405 feet to the point of beginning.
BEGINNING at the intersection of the Winston-Salem South Bound Railroad Company's main line and West Main Street in the City of Albemarle, and runs thence eastwardly with West Main Street to the intersection of Pee Dee Avenue; then northeast along said avenue to North Fifth Street; thence north along North Fifth Street to the intersection of Hawthorne Avenue and eastwardly along said avenue to Melchor Road; thence north along Melchor Road to Park Ridge Road and east along said road to Ridge Street; thence go northeastwardly along Ridge Street to the intersection with the corporate limit line of the City of Albemarle; thence following the corporate limit line as it meanders counterclockwise: in a general westwardly, northwardly, westwardly, southwardly and westwardly direction to its intersection with Salisbury Avenue; thence along said avenue to the Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line and runs thence southwardly along the Winston- Salem Southbound Railroad Company's main line to its intersection with West Main Street, the point of beginning.
In addition, the following satellite annexation area that does not abut the primary corporate limits of the City of Albemarle shall be included as being part of District 3:
BEGINNING at a point on the east side of US Highway 52 approximately 1,600 feet north of the corporate limit line head north for approximately 2,500 feet along US Highway 52; then heading east for approximately 2,845 feet; then heading south approximately 1,060 feet; then heading east approximately 880 feet, then heading south approximately 620 feet along Carter Road; then heading west approximately 510 feet; then heading south approximately 150 feet; then heading west approximately 550 feet; then heading southeast for approximately 460 feet along Little Long Creek; then heading west for approximately 1,300 feet to the point of beginning.
Notwithstanding, the following areas shall be excluded from the boundaries of District 3:
BEGINNING at a point approximately 300 feet south of Mountain Creek Road go southwest approximately 760 feet; then heading south approximately 414 feet; then heading east approximately 511 feet; then heading northeast approximately 623 feet; then heading northwest for approximately 630 feet to the point of beginning.
BEGINNING at the intersection of West Main Street and Pee Dee Avenue in the City of Albemarle, and runs thence northeast with Pee Dee Avenue to the intersection of said avenue and North Fifth Street; thence north along North Fifth Street to the intersection of Hawthorne Avenue and eastwardly along said avenue to Melchor Road; thence north along Melchor Road to Park Ridge Road and east along said road to Ridge Street; thence go northeastwardly along Ridge Street to its intersection with the corporate limit line of the City of Albemarle; thence following the corporate limit line as it meanders clockwise generally in a southeast direction to its intersection with Greenview Drive; thence southwestwardly along said road to its intersection with Anderson Grove Church Road; thence north with Anderson Grove Church Road to the intersection with the NC Highway 740 East By-pass and following the NC Highway 740 East By-pass southwestwardly to its intersection with East Main Street and runs thence westwardly with West Main Street to its intersection with Pee Dee Avenue, the point of beginning.
All as depicted on map of the “City of Albemarle Proposed Voting Districts,” dated May 7, 2001, and on file with the Clerk of the City of Albemarle, reference to all of which (i.e., all “District” descriptions) being hereby made.
(Session Laws of 1979, Chapter 259; amended by Session Laws of 1988, Chapter 881; Ord. 01-29, passed 6-18-01)
Statutory reference:
Authority to amend by ordinance, G.S. §§ 160A-102
The City Council shall appoint a City Manager who shall be the head of the administrative branch of City government, and who shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of the affairs of the City. The Manager shall be appointed on the basis of merit only, and he shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. In exercising his duties as chief administrator, the Manager shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) He shall appoint and suspend or remove all City employees whose appointment or removal is not otherwise provided for by law, in accordance with such general personnel rules, regulations, policies, or ordinances as the Council may adopt.
(b) He shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies of the City, subject to the general direction and control of the Council, except as otherwise provided by law.
(c) He shall attend all meetings of the Council, unless otherwise directed by the Council, and recommend any measures that he deems expedient.
(d) He shall see that all laws of the State, the City Charter and the ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the Council are faithfully executed within the City.
(e) He shall prepare and submit the annual budget and capital program to the City.
(f) He shall annually submit to the Council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City as of the end of the fiscal year.
(g) He shall make any other reports that the Council may require concerning the operations of the City departments, offices, and agencies subject to his direction and control.
(h) He shall perform any other duties that may be required and authorized by the Council.
(Session Laws of 1979, Chapter 259 § 4.2)