§ 153.112 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   General. The final subdivision plat shall be presented as required in § 153.031(D), and at the same scale and contain the same information (except for any changes or additions required by resolution of the Plan Commission) as shown on the preliminary plat. All revision dates must be shown as well as the following:
      (1)   Notation of any self-imposed restrictions, and locations of any buildings and litres proposed to be established in this manner, if required by the Commission in accordance with these regulations. The Commission may require that restrictive covenants be recorded with the County Recorder in a form to be approved by the Town Attorney.
      (2)   Lots numbered as approved by the Plan Commission.
      (3)   All monuments erected and noted.
   (B)   Preparation. The final subdivision plat shall be prepared and sealed by a registered land surveyor.
(Ord. - -, passed - -80)