§ 153.031 SKETCH PLAT.
   (A)   Discussion of requirements. Before preparing the sketch plat for a subdivision, the applicant should discuss with the Administrator the procedure for adoption of a subdivision plat and the requirements as to general layout of streets and for reservations of land, street improvements, drainage, sewerage, fire protection, and similar matters, as well as the availability of existing services. The Administrator shall also advise the applicant, where appropriate, to discuss the proposed subdivision with those officials who must eventually approve these aspects of the subdivision plat coming within their jurisdiction.
   (B)   Application. The subdivider shall file an application with the Administrator for approval of a sketch plat. The application shall:
      (1)   Be made on forms available at the office of the Administrator;
      (2)   Include all contiguous holdings of the owner including land in the “same ownership” as defined herein, with an indication of the portion which is proposed to be subdivided, accompanied by an affidavit of ownership, which shall include the dates the respective holdings of land were acquired, together with the book and page of each conveyance to the present owner as recorded in the County Recorder’s office. The affidavit shall advise as to the legal owner of the property, the contract owner of the property, the date contract of sale was executed, and, if any corporations are involved, a complete list of all directors, officers, and stockholders of each corporation owning more than 5% of any class of stock;
      (3)   Be accompanied by a minimum of four copies of the sketch plat which shows the entire developmental scheme of the proposed subdivision, including the general layout and approximate dimensions of streets, rights-of-way, blocks, and lots in sketch form; the existing conditions and characteristics of the land on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision site; and the areas set aside for schools, parks and other public facilities, and for commercial and other non-residential uses;
      (4)   Be presented to the Administrator in duplicate;
      (5)   Be accompanied by a fee of $2 per lot;
      (6)   Include an address and telephone number of an agent located within the territory of the local government who shall be authorized to receive all notices required by these regulations.
   (C)   Planning Commission Administrator’s action. The Administrator may transmit the sketch plat for review to appropriate officials or agencies of the Town Board adjoining counties or municipalities, school and special districts, and other official bodies as it deems necessary or as mandated by law, including any review required by town, regional, or state bodies. The Administrator may request that all officials and agencies, to whom a request for review has been made, submit their report to the Administrator within 15 days after receipt of the request. The Administrator will consider all reports submitted by the officials and agencies concerning the sketch plat and shall submit a report for proposed action to the Plan Commission. The Administrator shall place the matter on the next available regular meeting agenda of the Plan Commission for formal approval of the sketch plat. After such approval by the Commission, the Administrator shall notify the applicant that:
      (1)   If no further changes are required, the applicant may proceed directly to the filing of an application for approval of a final subdivision plat as provided in these regulations.
      (2)   Based on reviews completed of the sketch plat, the applicant is required to comply with additional requirements when he submits the final plat, as provided in these regulations. Such requirement may include compliance of the proposed development with local or state policies, goals and objectives or comprehensive plans; need for special permits or variance; consideration of any unique environmental features or hazardous concerns that may be directly or indirectly associated with the subject property, such as designated areas of critical concern, unique plant or animal life, flood plain, aviation sensitive areas and the like.
   (D)   Plan Commission action.  
      (1)   The Commission shall study the sketch plat and the report, taking into consideration the requirements of these regulations and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention will be given to the arrangement, location, width of streets, and their relation to the topography of the land, sewage disposal, drainage, lot sizes and arrangement, the further development of adjoining lands as yet unsubdivided, and the requirements of any official maps and plans as adopted by the Commission.
      (2)   After reviewing the sketch plat, the Administrator’s report and other reports, the Commission will advise the applicant, through the Administrator, of the specific changes or additions, if any, it will require in the layout. The character and extent of any such changes, additions, improvements and reservations shall be noted as a prerequisite to the approval of the subdivision sketch plat. The Commission may require additional changes as a result of further study of the proposed subdivision in revised form.
      (3)   An approval shall constitute authorization to prepare and submit a final plat.
      (4)   Such approval or disapproval shall be made by the Commission within 30 days after receiving the report from the Administrator.
(Ord. - -, passed - -80)