(A)   In accordance to I.C. 8-1.5-3.5, the Town of Akron may adjust an unusually large residential water bill. UNUSUALLY LARGE means a residential water bill that reflects monthly water usage, in whatever units measured, that is at least two times the customer's average monthly usage on the premises.
   (B)   A utility may adjust an unusually large bill if the excess usage reflected in the bill is caused by physical damage to any facility or equipment supplying water to the premises and the damage:
      (1)   Is not visible or detectable on the customer's premises except upon excavation or some other; and
      (2)   Is not the result of an act of the customer, or of any agent or contractor hired by the customer.
   (C)   The customer must request the adjustment in writing and have proof that the leak has been fixed. The leak must have occurred after December 12, 2006. When these requests have been fulfilled the Town Council will determine whether or not to adjust an unusually large water bill on a case by case basis. Adjustments will be limited at two adjustments per service annually.
(Ord. 4-19-2011, passed 4-19-11)