(A)   Purpose and intent. To provide a zoning classification for industrial and heavy commercial uses. Development in this district requires high automobile accessibility, city sewer and water systems, and municipal storm water treatment facilities. Industrial districts should be clustered to control negative impacts of industrial activities and to efficiently facilitate maximum interaction between industrial and heavy commercial enterprises.
   (B)   Compatibility. The Industrial District is most compatible with and should be established adjacent to the Highway Commercial (C) District, but in some circumstances may be compatible with the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU), Urban Residential (UR) and Urban/Rural Transition Residential (TR) Districts. The district may not be established in an area where it is completely surrounded by residential districts.
   (C)   Lot and density requirements.
Buildable lot area - square feet, minimum
Building above highest ground water level - feet, minimum
Building height - feet, maximum
45 ft
Impervious surface - percent, maximum
Lot width - feet, minimum
Setback, between accessory buildings - feet, minimum
Setback, parking from lot line - feet, minimum
Setback, rear - feet, minimum
Setback, right-of-way, minimum
Setback, side next to residential district - feet, minimum
Setback, side yard - feet, minimum
Setback, sign - feet, minimum
   (D)   Performance standards. The following performance standards apply to all development in this district.
      (1)   Impervious coverage. Impervious coverage may be increased to up to 90% through a conditional use permit on properties where municipal storm water is available if the following is provided:
         (a)   A vegetation plan for the perimeter of the property that increases vegetation within the setbacks; and
         (b)   Direct runoff of storm water to adjacent properties and wetlands shall be eliminated through the use of berms, infiltration ponds, swales, filtration strips or other permanent means.
      (2)   Compatibility of use. Use shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Uses shall not present noise, odor, light nuisances or any other nuisances.
      (3)   Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided as specified in § 152.096 of this chapter. On-street parking is not allowed under any circumstances. In addition, suitable trees and shrubs shall be planted between parking lots and all adjacent sidewalks, roads, lots and buildings.
      (4)   Lighting. Lighting shall be minimal but sufficient to promote safety. Lighting shall be downward directional and shall be compatible with the surrounding development.
      (5)   Fire lanes. Fire lanes shall remain unobstructed at all times.
      (6)   Screening. All sites shall be heavily landscaped to provide 80% screening to adjacent residential parcels. Percentages shall be determined by amount of structure that can be seen during leaf-on conditions. A landscaping and screening plan must be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission with each conditional use permit.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008)