(A)   General. On-site parking or garage space shall be provided in all districts, except as specifically exempted. There shall be adequate drive access to prevent the need to back onto collector streets or county highways. On-site parking spaces shall not be used for storage.
   (B)   Dimensions. Parking sites shall be a minimum of 20 feet long and ten feet wide.
   (C)   Parking ratios. On-site parking shall be provided at the following ratios at a minimum, except where exempted within §§ 152.030 through 152.040 of this chapter or unless modified by conditional use permit:
      (1)   Two stalls per dwelling unit;
      (2)   One additional stall per employee in home occupation;
      (3)   One and one-half stalls per dwelling unit, for multi-family over 20 units per complex, motel/hotel units;
      (4)   One stall per six seats for churches, restaurants and other assembly places;
      (5)   One stall per 300 square feet of office space;
      (6)   One stall per 300 square feet of retail space; and
      (7)   One stall per 2,000 square feet or two employees at maximum shift for industrial uses, whichever Planning Commission deems suitable.
   (D)   On-site parking. On-site parking shall not be closer than ten feet from a lot line, except in the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) District.
   (E)   Handicapped parking. Handicapped parking shall be required in accordance with state law.
   (F)   Parking surfaces. All parking areas shall be adequately drained to a pervious surface designed to allow entrapment of silts prior to discharge to a public water.
   (G)   Landscaping. More than five parking stalls contiguously located and any commercial parking adjacent to residential property shall be landscaped according to a plan approved by the Zoning Administrator with review by the Planning Commission.
   (H)   Loading, general. All required loading berths shall be off street and shall be located on the same lot as the principal use served. Loading shall not occupy front yard space. Berths shall not be used for storage.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 369, passed 10-20-2014) Penalty, see § 152.999