(A)   Required signs. In all zoning districts, one nameplate sign shall be required per building, except accessory structures and residential buildings which shall be required only to display the street address or property number.
   (B)   Signs by conditional use permit. Where a use is permitted in a zoning district by conditional use permit, the sign for that use shall require a conditional use permit unless the sign is otherwise provided for in this subchapter.
   (C)   A, AP and MS Zoning Districts. No sign shall be permitted in an A, AP or MS Zoning District except the following signs if authorized by a permit or as provided in this subchapter.
      (1)   Banner, business, nameplate, political, portable, real estate sales, religious organization, temporary, wall and warning signs are allowed.
      (2)   No sign shall be so constructed as to have more than two surfaces.
      (3)   One of each of the permitted type signs, except temporary signs where two will be permitted and political signs where one for each candidate, will be permitted per lot frontage.
      (4)   The size of sign may be no more than a total of 32 square feet, with an eight-foot maximum for any dimension except as otherwise provided in § 153.130(D)(2) of this code.
      (5)   The top of the sign and supporting structure shall not exceed ten feet above grade except as otherwise provided in § 153.130(D)(2) of this code.
      (6)   Any sign over two square feet shall be setback at least ten feet from any lot line or right-of-way.
   (D)   RR Zoning District.
      (1)   Gateway, nameplate, political, portable, real estate sales, religious organization, temporary, wall and warning signs are allowed.
      (2)   No sign shall be so constructed as to have more than two surfaces.
      (3)   The number of each type of sign allowed per lot frontage is one of each of the permitted type signs, except temporary signs where two will be permitted and political signs where one for each candidate will be permitted.
      (4)   The size of signs may be not more than a total of 16 square feet with a four-foot maximum for any dimension except as otherwise provided in this section. The total surface area for all signs shall not exceed 32 square feet per lot except as otherwise provided in § 153.130(D)(2) of this code.
      (5)   The top of the sign shall not exceed eight feet above grade except as otherwise provided in § 153.130(D)(2) of this code.
      (6)   The number and size of a gateway sign is exempted from this section of the code and is instead regulated in § 153.132(F).
      (7)   All signs shall be setback at least ten feet from any lot line or right-of-way.
   (E)   VHS-R and VHS-C Zoning Districts.
      (1)   All applications for a sign permit shall be reviewed by the Design Review/Heritage Preservation Commission.
      (2)   The types of signs allowed are banner (VHS-C only), business (VHS-C only), illuminated (VHS-C only), nameplate, political, portable, real estate sales, religious organization, temporary, wall and warning.
      (3)   The number of each type of sign allowed per lot frontage, is one real estate sales sign, two temporary signs, one nameplate sign, one political sign for each candidate and one business sign or one sign for a church or other place of worship.
      (4)   The size of signs permitted is as follows.
         (a)   Each real estate sales sign, temporary sign and political sign shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
         (b)   Total area of permanent business signs shall not exceed 16 square feet.
         (c)   Total area of nameplate signs shall not exceed six square feet.
         (d)   In addition to the total sign area of 16 square feet, one eight-inch by ten-inch sign may be posted on the outside of the principal structure.
         (e)   The total surface area of all on-premises signs for churches or other places of worship shall not exceed 100 square feet. The top of the signs and supporting structures shall not exceed 14 feet above the average grade. The width of the signs shall not exceed 16 feet. The maximum square feet for any sign shall not exceed one-tenth square feet per foot of frontage.
      (5)   The top of the sign shall not exceed 14 feet above the average grade.
      (6)   In no case shall any part of a sign be closer than two feet to a vertical line drawn at the property line.
   (F)   Industrial (I) Zoning Districts.
      (1)   The type of signs allowed are advertising, banner, business, illuminated, nameplate, political, portable, real estate sales, religious organization, temporary, wall and warning.
      (2)   The number of each type of sign allowed per lot frontage is one of each of the permitted type signs, except temporary where two will be permitted and political where one for each candidate will be permitted.
      (3)   No business sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area or face a Residential Zoning District. No other sign shall exceed 35 square feet in area, except a billboard sign.
      (4)   The top of the sign shall not exceed 20 feet above the average grade.
      (5)   Any sign over ten square feet, with the exception of a billboard sign, shall be set back at least ten feet from any lot line or right-of-way. All signs shall be set back at least 50 feet from any Residential or Agricultural Zoning District.
(Prior Code, § 12-211) (Ord. 1997-19, passed 7-15-1997; Ord. 09-2006, passed 9-13-2006; Ord. 01-2014, passed 5-20-2014)