General Provisions
154.01 Purpose
154.02 Definitions
154.03 Connection to individual subsurface septic treatment system (ISTS) and community septic treatment systems
154.04 Connection to large subsurface treatment system (LSTS)
154.05 Inspections
154.06 Enforcement
154.07 Appeals or variance requests
154.08 ISTS located in a floodplain and/or subject to flooding
154.09 Septic system compliance and inspection
Public Sewage Treatment Systems
154.20 Unlawful surface discharge
154.21 Unlawful connection to public sewage treatment system, permit
154.22 Unlawful discharge to LSTS
154.23 Pretreatment, control and refusal of extraordinary wastes
154.99 Penalty
Septic permits regarding zoning, see § 153.032
Sewers and subdivisions, see § 160.082