(A) Bed and breakfast facilities are permitted only after the issuance of a conditional use permit, which shall be subject to annual renewal. Bed and breakfast facilities are prohibited in the industrial zone.
(B) The following standards must be met for bed and breakfast facilities.
(1) The owner shall be in residence when the rooms are being rented by paying guests.
(2) The rooms rented out shall be within the residence and not in any accessory building.
(3) No more than two rooms shall be rented, and there shall be no more than four paying guests at one time.
(4) Off-street parking shall be provided, with a minimum of one space per guest room and one space for the operator. An additional space shall be provided for any type of trailer or other towed item
belonging to a paying guest.
(5) The septic system shall be to code and sized for the proposed use, and the property must contain adequate space for an alternate septic system.
(6) There shall be no signs other than those allowed for the district.
(7) There shall be no exterior indication that the residence is a bed and breakfast facility.
(8) No paying guest shall stay in the facility for more than 14 consecutive days.
(9) The facility shall not be used for commercial receptions, parties and the like, for the serving to paying guests of meals other than breakfast or the serving of meals to nonresident guests for compensation. There shall be no cooking in guestrooms.
(10) Smoke alarms shall be installed. Certification that the facility has passed inspection by the Fire District shall be submitted to the city before the permit is issued.
(11) The Building Official shall inspect and approve the facility, and certification that the facility has passed inspection by the Building Official shall be submitted to the city before the permit is issued.
(12) A license is required by the county’s Public Health Department and a copy of the license issued by the Public Health Department shall be submitted to the city within ten days of its receipt by the operator of the bed and breakfast facility.
(13) Bed and breakfast facilities shall meet the current side and rear setback requirements for the zone in which they are located.
(14) Operators of bed and breakfast facilities are required to give clients directions for reaching the residence.
(15) Failure to meet the conditions of the conditional use permit shall constitute grounds for withdrawal of the permit.
(16) If ownership is transferred, an amended conditional use permit must be applied for by the new owner within 60 days of the change in ownership.
(17) The conditional use permit will terminate if the amended permit is not requested within 60 days or if there is no request for annual renewal.
(Prior Code, § 12-222) Penalty, see § 153.999