§ 153.096 NUISANCES.
   (A)   No odors, vibration, noise, smoke, air pollution, liquid or solid wastes, heat, glare, dust or other sensory irritations or health hazards shall be permitted in any zoning district in excess of the minimum standards as set forth in this section.
   (B)   Any violation of these standards is hereby declared a nuisance. The minimum standards shall be as follows.
      (1)   Odors. Any use shall be so operated as to prevent the emission of odorous or solid matter of such quality or quantity as to be reasonably objectionable at any point beyond the lot line of the site on which the use is located, except as regulated by §§ 153.058 and 153.059 of this code regulating agricultural operations.
      (2)   Vibrations. The following vibrations are prohibited:
         (a)   Any vibration discernible beyond the property line to the human sense of feeling for three minutes or more duration in any one hour; and
         (b)   Any vibration resulting in any combination of amplitudes and frequencies beyond the safe range of the most current standards of the United States Bureau of Mines on any structure.
      (3)   Toxic and noxious matter. Any use shall be so operated as not to discharge across the boundaries of the lot or through percolation into the atmosphere or the subsoil beyond the boundaries of the lot wherein such use is located toxic or noxious matter in such concentration as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare or cause injury or damage to property or business.
      (4)   Air pollution. Any use shall be so operated as to control emission of smoke or particulate matter to the degree that it is not detrimental to or shall endanger the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare.
      (5)   Animals. Any building in which domestic farm animals are kept shall be a minimum distance of 100 feet from all lot lines.
   (C)   Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the minimum standards of the Pollution Control Agency for noise, air and water pollution and glare, these shall be the minimum standards for the purposes of this section.
(Prior Code, § 12-206)
   (D)   It shall be a nuisance for any person to store or keep any vehicle of a type requiring a license to operate on the public highway, but without a current license attached thereto, whether such vehicle is dismantled or not, outside of an enclosed building in any zoning district.
   (E)   Creating or maintaining a junkyard or vehicle dismantling yard shall be a nuisance and shall be prohibited.
   (F)   The following are declared to be nuisances endangering public health:
      (1)   Causing or suffering the effluent from any cesspool, septic tank, drainfield or human sewage disposal system to discharge upon the surface of the ground, or dumping the contents thereof at any place except as authorized by the state’s Pollution Control Agency;
      (2)   Causing or suffering the pollution of any public well or cistern, stream or lake, canal or body of water by sewage, industrial waste or other substances; and
      (3)   Causing or suffering carcasses of animals to not be buried or destroyed or otherwise disposed of within 24 hours after death.
   (G)   The following are declared to be nuisances affecting the public peace and safety:
      (1)   The placing or throwing on any street, alley, road, highway, sidewalk or other public property of any glass, tacks, nails, bottles or other nuisances that may injure any person or animal or may cause damage to any pneumatic tire when passing over the same; and
      (2)   The ownership, possession or control of any unused refrigerator or other container, with doors that fasten automatically when closed, of sufficient size to retain any person and that is exposed and accessible to the public without having the doors, lids, hinges or latches removed or having locks to prevent access by the public.
(Prior Code, § 12-207)
   (H)   For abatement information, see Chapter 90 of this code of ordinances.
Penalty, see § 153.999