§ 153.080 FENCES.
   (A)   Fences may be permitted in all yards subject to the following.
      (1)   Solid walls in excess of four feet above adjacent ground grades shall be prohibited.
      (2)   That side of the fence considered to be the face (finished side as opposed to structural supports) shall face abutting property.
      (3)   Fences over six feet in height from the finished grade shall require a building permit in addition to any other required permits.
      (4)   No fences shall be permitted on public rights-of-way.
      (5)   All fences shall be maintained and kept in good repair.
      (6)   Barbed wire and razor wire fencing are prohibited, except in the case of:
         (a)   Agricultural uses; and
         (b)   In the industrial zone at the top of a security fence if the height of the barbed wire is not less than six feet from grade and the fence is located not less than 100 feet from a residence.
   (B)   Fences may be permitted along property lines subject to the following.
      (1)   Fences may be placed along property lines provided no physical damage of any kind results to abutting property.
      (2)   Fences on commercial and industrial property in the I-1A and I-1B Zoning Districts may be erected on the lot line to a height of six feet or to a height of eight feet with a security arm for barbed wire.
      (3)   Fences along any lot lines or within any building setback lines as defined in § 153.005 of this code may be a maximum of six feet in height, except as provided in division (B)(5) below. All fences parallel to any road shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the road right-of-way for line-of-sight safety reasons. All fences which exceed four feet in height and which are parallel to any road shall be screened in accordance with division (B)(8) below.
      (4)   Should the rear lot line of a lot be common with the side lot line of an abutting lot, that portion of the rear lot line equal to the required front yard of the abutting lot shall not be fenced to a height of more than four feet.
      (5)   All fences on lake lots shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark. Fences along interior lot lines between the 20-foot setback from the ordinary high water mark and the required building setback from the ordinary high water mark shall not exceed four feet in height.
      (6)   Fences located within the buildable area of a lot or eight feet or more from the rear lot line may be up to eight feet in height.
      (7)   Where the property line is not clearly defined, a certificate of survey may be required by the Zoning Administrator to establish the property line.
      (8)   The screening required in this section shall consist of forms of landscaping (plant materials) so as to block direct visual access to the fence from the street.
(Prior Code, § 12-190) (Ord. 06-2020, passed 7-21-2020) Penalty, see § 153.999